The AT-SAT Test

I took that AT-SAT yesterday and it was cool. I'm not the greatest w/ doing math in my head, so that section can go either way for me; maybe a 1/2 and 1/2 ordeal. The ATC scenario was so much fun, some of my traffic patterns for the airports were amazing; I had them all following each other and varied the speed. I kept the #1 guys speed up for a while, while everybody else behind him slowing down. Reminded me of the days I use to fly. I have 2 copies of the ATC Career Prep book laying around, I'm willing to part w/ the one that I didn't use it anybody wants/needs it.
Hey Kids...

Just wondering if anyone is going to be testing in OKC on Thursday, the 20th?

Good luck to all!!!
My question is on the Analogies... Some of the Analogues on the Practice CD are almost rediculous, and I like to think I have a pretty large vocabulary. How hard did you people who have taken the test find that portion to be? Some of the symbols are difficult as well- does anyone have specific links that they studied for analogies that worked for them to understand some of the more complex ones?

Also, I'm noticing on the Practice cd it times out SUPER fast on some questions (must be a glitch- I've noticed it in Analogies and Math) and also that some of the math answers are just wrong... such as:

"How many hours does it take aircraft XXX to fly 600 miles if it is traveling 400 mph?" 1.5, right? Wrong. The answer was .2 or something...

Thanks for your help!
I've found a few incorrect answers with the book as well. Some of the angles and a math problem or two. As long as you know the correct answer I guess.
Hey Guys!

Yes, I agree with all of you.

The analogies are a pain.... not to mention the enormous amount of wrong answers on the math portion. Oh, and it sucks when the questions disappears and you're still trying to figure out one of those "increases its altitude by a billion a second..." questions... haha... oh-well. :rolleyes:

Anybody get an average on the Scan portion?? :confused:
When you get the book and put the ATC Career Prep Software Suite on your computer make sure to go to the website (listed below) and download the update for the CD software. There were a couple of bugs in it this update fixes. The update is right below the ISBN number.

Originally posted by Slayer in AT-SAT study guides thread.
I found myself not even knowing some of the words in the analogies test! The math section still worries me though. It all seems a lot tougher than I expected. I had heard though that the actual AT-SAT is easier than the book. Can anyone confirm this?
When you get the book and put the ATC Career Prep Software Suite on your computer make sure to go to the website (listed below) and download the update for the CD software. There were a couple of bugs in it this update fixes. The update is right below the ISBN number.

Originally posted by Slayer in AT-SAT study guides thread.

Hey Beehive!
Thanks, and yeah, I updated mine when I got it, but even then, the math has quite a few wrong answers... and well, the scan portion, I just dunno! I am not sure if I'm slow.. or not... eh... you can always see so much at once!
I've noticed that with the scan from the book, the numbers change as you are typing them in sometimes, instead of just disappearing.
I found myself not even knowing some of the words in the analogies test!
Knowledge of big word definitions is unnecessary for the test. Word analogies not only has to do with the definition of words but other similarities such as spelling or sounding. One or more of these methods may apply to the best answer.

Example- pork is to fork as flame is to?
A. animal
B. spoon
C. lamb
D. mouth

The answer is C. lamb. Flame and lamb share lam such as pork and fork share the ork. The only similarity is spelling.
Beehive: thanks for the info! I just hope so!

JKoffler: I've noticed that also.... and then on top of it, it marks it as if you wrote down something wrong... :banghead: haha... oh-well.
To anyone running Vista, a couple of the programs wouldn't open for me until I downloaded the patch from that link above... once I used that, I was able to open all programs and all Help features. :nana2:

Just a tip, in case anyone was frustrated like me when they first tried to use it! :banghead:
Oh gosh.. my test is tomorrow.. and somehow.. I am feeling a little anxious.. something is definitely in my tummy... :panic:

Anywho, just another question, is the AT portion like the CD or do we have to speak?? Eh... just wondering.
Oh, also, I noticed that before I updated the 1.1 version for the prep CD, the planes would take time to turn. Now with the 1.4 update, they turn automatically when you click where you want them to go. Which one should I be looking at?
Oh gosh.. my test is tomorrow.. and somehow.. I am feeling a little anxious.. something is definitely in my tummy... :panic:
I would highly suggest calming yourself down! The test is easy, although you will feel like you did crapy on it after.
I had a grand ole night before the day of my test and celebrated the same way after...although I felt I did crapy...until I got my score, 98! If I can get that kind of score after a great night of watching football in Vegas anyone should be able to pass the ATSAT.
Get some rest and eat a healthy breakfast. Take the breaks during the test and do some simple exercises such as ten jumping jacks and some stationary running to help your heart keep up with your adrenaline, take some deep breaths to calm yourself and head back in for another sub-test.

No speaking, just hearing.
My test is Tuesday. I plan on using all day Monday to run the programs on the CD, and practice my math. I am really having a hard time with my math....
thanks for all the tips i can't wait to take the test and see my score! i was pretty worried prior to coming to this message board but now im more relaxed =)