Passing time


Well-Known Member
While working the line how have you passed time during the slow bits. The maintenance guys i use to work with spent about 2 hours pull each other around behind the Gator we used to tow planes with, on broken airplane windscreens after a good bit of snow and ice.
Usually it means shooting the breeze with local pilots and anyone who comes in. I've got internet access so JC helps to. Lately, my friend is getting his CFI, so hes been doing some practice ground school teaching with me the past few Sundays. Works out pretty well.
Usually it means shooting the breeze with local pilots and anyone who comes in. I've got internet access so JC helps to. Lately, my friend is getting his CFI, so hes been doing some practice ground school teaching with me the past few Sundays. Works out pretty well.

Yep, matter of fact I've been on here all morning. It's been a dead day at work.
Usually I'm on the comp when I get bored. Other than that, we play cards. One of the other workers is a gambleholic, and he got me into playing cards for everything. We play for tips, chores, food, etc. :D
i usually steal a plane and go flying without a license... :sarcasm::sarcasm:

when i am bored i try and to something productive; clean the hangar, wash a plane, this sort of stuff.
Us night owls, we do it right.

Playstation 2 playing Madden all 8 hours of the shift.
Watching movies, eating food, going on the internet.

Sleeping for a few hours.

Yes we do work. With the expection of Airnet and the occasional Carolina Medical call, not much comes in on the ramp at such late hours.
Is there not a hot piece behind the counter?
The only reason I got my line job...

The world is coming to an end...

When I'm overly bored, like most Saturdays... If I can't find anything interisting enough online, i'll mess with my agents... That is fun!! :rawk:
When I worked for IDE at IAD, my sup would let me take a tug around the airport to snap pictures of whatever I found to be interesting that day. I got some great pictures of some SPs, a Tu-154 for the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut School, some VC-10s, and all kinds of other more normal things around Dulles.

If I wasn't out taking pictures, I was probably doing a relocation under tow (something you should check into if you're interested in being a pilot - you'll get limited training in how to get the plane ready to be safely moved and talk on the passes the time, too, but I did it more because I really enjoyed it), or doing something else productive, like getting the next bank's bag sheets out on the desk, doing a bug wash, filling the water or dumping the lav (requested or not).

If nothing productive was left and I wasn't out filling my camera's memory card, I'd probably just grab a book, or sit around telling stories with the other ramp guys. My sup had the most hilarious stories.
After washing a plane in the hanger we would usually add some more soap and spend some time sliding around in the gator we used to tow airplanes
We have these red carpets that we are supposed to place down in front of the door when the a/c parks. Well me and another guy would take about two of them, stack them on top of each other, take a ride on the golf cart to the T-Hangars, and use the carpets as driving range mats. I had some practice golf balls, and we had some clubs. Nothing like practicing golf when theres nothing to do.

Tried the golf cart thing, not much we could do with that.
:) Ahh. Rope, Roller blades or skateboard, and the golf cart. Now that would be fun on an empty ramp. :buck: