Our Big News!


Staff member
We found out yesterday that Bill and I are expecting baby #2!

My first doctor visit isn't til next week, so I'll post a 'doctor says' due date then, but the online info I've read says I'm due the first week of March!

Another addition to the JC family is on it's way!
Congratulations Amber & Bill on a job well done! that's SO exciting!! We now know that Bills got good swimmers! something we can tease him about in LV

JC Baby-making club.. if that isn't the truth!! We should be hearing some news about a little one being born today too! but I'll let the new daddy do the talking!

Does the newly turned 1yr old (What's your son's name again?) know that he won't be the baby any longer come next year?
Grats, Amber!

Best wishes for a very healthy and happy baby.

You'll still be making it to Vegas, right? Or maybe not?
Oh, I'm still going to Vegas! I'll just be a bit 'rounder' than usual! (And no drinking......bummer. Oh well, next year!)
(And no drinking......bummer. Oh well, next year!)

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I'll drink yours, since you've already put that in your budget...no need to screw it all up now!!!
Well congrats! Heard that Microsoft has developed a keyboard so the kids can use the computer while in the womb.
Oh, I'm still going to Vegas! I'll just be a bit 'rounder' than usual! (And no drinking......bummer. Oh well, next year!)

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Try to stay dry for a few years. You'll need it when they are teenagers!

BTW, the first baby is the test baby, the one with the steep learning curve. I just gets easier and easier. By the fourth one one you are calling 'em "what's his name".

Congrats Amber!

How does the company work around stuff like this? Do they tell you when to go on maternity leave or is that decision yours?

That's awesome....such a blessing.
Congrats Amber!

How does the company work around stuff like this? Do they tell you when to go on maternity leave or is that decision yours?

That's awesome....such a blessing.

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A FA can not fly during their last 12 weeks. So once you hit the 3rd trimester, ready or not off on maternity leave you go.

But really, most girls are off before then anyway, by that time you really aren't up to the long days & stress of flying anymore.

I'm furloughed anyway, so none of this is applicable to me anymore.
The company can eat my shorts!