MLM's and Pilot Wives

From another forum...At least he's bold.

I am a pilot's wife and no one is soliciting me for anything. I guess I don't have the secret handshake!

I've described it to my first officer. He says it's just like the "Officer's Wives" groups.

"Hi! I'm Mrs. Colonel Johnny Flyboy! Call me Jill!"
My wife just asked why I was laughing.

" uh nothing "
I just got asked the same question..... "Oh nothing, something Joe said." Who's joe? "Some guy from JetCareers".... Ohh
The Jamberry fiasco appears to have as well......Anyone wanna buy some nail product?
Yeah, my sister in law just got involved with this racket. Ugh. No, I'm not buying something for my wife that she doesn't want just to keep your "fantasy" alive. Just stop.
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Julie: "Hey, what would you think if I sold Jamberry Nails...?"
Me: "I'd think it's retarded. It's a scam and you are not a sales person..."
Julie: "Why do you say that....?"
Me: "For your friend to make money, you need to sell and for you to make money, you need to find some more friends to sell....It's basciallly a MLM ?
Julie: "What's a MLM?"
Me: "Just NO !"

Next day in reviewing our accounts I see a debit to mother f'n jamberry nails.......

Me: "Why did you ask my opinion if you already had your mind made up...?"

If you haven't already, slap a ring on it. You guys are a married couple. Congrats :)
I remember about 2-3 years ago I had several CAs (and FOs) from current company and other airlines that tried to get me into Zeek rewards. Something related to an online auction called Zeeker. It involved putting in an investment of either 1,000 , 5000, or 10000. And then every month, you had to pay a administration fee, but you could set it up so that your own account profits would pay the fee monthly. And every day you had to go online and advertise for bids on different sites, forums, etc.

Something just didn't pass the sniff test. To me it sounded exactly like a pyramid, especially when no one could really explain to me how this program would work when the people signing up only use their free bids, and then refuse to sign up and pay for more bids. It sounded like a scam, and luckily, I turned it down. I was asked several times by a couple pilots who I actually regard as financially smart/sound.

Lo behold less than 6 months later the SEC shut them down. Turned out it was basically a pyramid scheme where newcomers money was being used to pay off previous investors. So in this matter I lucked out, but I know one guy who was at Spirit and with his 5,000 investment he ended up cashing out over 32,000. Not sure what happened, last I heard there was a federal receivership and slowly working on getting money back to victims.

I'm a firm believer in the "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." Ain't nothing good (and legit) free in this world!