Copa Airlines

About to finish my app for an FO position, just 1000TT short for Captain. Anything new I should look out for? Any good test prep out there which will help on the interview? Thanks

Just had two friends finish the process and get offer letters. I wouldn't worry about it right now. When you get an offer to interview send me a PM and I can get you in touch with them for up to date info. My interview was a long time ago now and a lot has changed.
Just had two friends finish the process and get offer letters. I wouldn't worry about it right now. When you get an offer to interview send me a PM and I can get you in touch with them for up to date info. My interview was a long time ago now and a lot has changed.
How are they to work for?
Just had two friends finish the process and get offer letters. I wouldn't worry about it right now. When you get an offer to interview send me a PM and I can get you in touch with them for up to date info. My interview was a long time ago now and a lot has changed.
things going well? should i re-apply?
things going well? should i re-apply?

Couldn't hurt. I know of a lot of Panamanian 300 hr guys that didn't make it in their first interview but reapplied later and were hired. Not sure about foreigners but for the locals its not a one and done type thing.
I just had my interview last week, Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from them? and If you were in my interviewing group please pm me.

The interview with HR and a captain was terrific. The Compass math test and Sim were my weak portions. I kinda messed up the hold in the sim (overshot the fix) but flew the approaches just fine. I have 1050hrs and 0 jet time. I am currently a CFI, CFII and MEI in the US flying only training aircraft (nothing with any speed). I meet some really nice people and enjoyed panama. I could see myself living there.
I've heard they have things under control and you should hear in the time frame they gave you. 2-3 weeks.
Hi Sidious and others @ Copa,

I am new here, did read the previous posts and was wondering if u guys r still enjoying it over there and if there is (plans for) a pay raise in sight.

I mean, I for one can assure you that having one of the highest paid flying jobs out there isn't necessarily the best deal. Even when it involves a commuting contract... Of course more money is always welcome, but as long as I take enough home to pay the bills, pay back the loan for the flight training, pass my parents some cash to compensate for their deteriorating pension and have dinner and a few cold ones with some friends every now and then, I am a happy camper.

Buuuuutttt, do you a think a 37 year old, single (partly also because of this job unfortunately) guy like me, that has lived and flown in Europe, Africa and now in Asia on both the classic and NG with only 200 hrs of GA (initial integrated ATP flight training) is eligible (so not over-qualified/ too old) to join COPA?

I know you guys fly a lot (assuming you are all on the B737), I have to improve my Spanish and that there is hardly any chance to commute (especially not that far 4 me in particular) and totally not disregarding some 'threatened' or just grumpy old captains, but I have been able to handle all that so far.

Just prefer to stay away from the sandpit for the most common reasons and to stay on the B737 as I hate (ultra)long haul despite the crew rest option most of the time..

Please advise. Your visions/opinions are highly appreciated in advance.
Sounds like you're idea of Copa is pretty spot on. Nothing much has really changed around here since the first person posted this thread. There are always rumors of a coming pay raise to try and stop people from leaving but I have yet to see anything concrete. If the pay and schedules don't bother you and you want to stay on this side of the world then I'd say apply. The process can take a LONG time to finally get on property so even if you're toying with the idea, apply.

Any other specific questions you have feel free to PM me.
Hi guys (sidious),
I am trying to lodge my application with copa, however I am having some issues entering my education history as the application facilitation site won't recognise my school, I assume because its australian. I was wondering if any one knew of a contact in HR at cops that I could either talk to to rectify the issue, or an alternative way of applying???
Also, for the guys who do work there, are there any Aussies working for Copa? Do you need an FAA licence, or will any ICAO one do?
Awesome thread you've got going here by the way- a lot less speculation and bs than on pprune.
thanks in advance for the help.
Hi guys (sidious),
I am trying to lodge my application with copa, however I am having some issues entering my education history
Also, for the guys who do work there, are there any Aussies working for Copa? Do you need an FAA licence, or will any ICAO one do?

So it will not let you complete the application at all? I know of a lot of guys from Europe and one from New Zealand that are here so I don't think it would be the first time someone has put in educational details that were not in their system. I don't know of another way to apply. Try playing around with the entries to make it work. I know they primarily care about your flight experience and hours so as long as that it in there and correct you can explain the rest in person.

HR doesn't work like a normal place you would think of. You will never be able to get someone on the phone to answer a question, you literally have to hunt them down and wait by their desk to make sure you get heard. That's just a cultural difference.

You do not need an FAA license to work here. There are guys from every country in South America, the Caribbean and all over Europe here that came with their licenses. You will get a Panamanian license during training and you fly with those.
Someone told me that Panamanian type ratings don't transfer over to the U.S.
My b.s.meter went off but I feel like I should ask anyway. @Sidious , what say you?
Someone told me that Panamanian type ratings don't transfer over to the U.S.@Sidious , what say you?

That's true in the sense that you can't for to your FSDO and have them slap on the 737 type to your FAA license based on your Panamanian type. It's not transferable like that. You do not even use your FAA licenses here at all.

But your time in type obviously still counts for something and I had a friend recently go to the majors without the 737 type on his FAA license and the interview panel didn't bat an eye.

I went ahead and hedged my bets about a year ago and did my type at Higher Power on the classic, just so I had more options. They did a reduced course for me and now I have some flexibility and more choices in the future if I want.
What kind of upgrade is there? I'm about 300 hours short of the captain mins and have been thinking about putting an app in but I hear you should go in as Captain, no FO. After you hit that 5000 mark do you expect an upgrade shortly or is it a when needed, then upgraded deal? Thanks

Of course, if you can come as a Captain then do that. I came as an FO and when I hit the minimums last month I was able to turn in my upgrade paperwork. They need Captains and I fly with a lot of Expat pilots from all over the world that have upgraded here. But like I said, if you can skip that process then do it and apply as a Captain.
Of course, if you can come as a Captain then do that. I came as an FO and when I hit the minimums last month I was able to turn in my upgrade paperwork. They need Captains and I fly with a lot of Expat pilots from all over the world that have upgraded here. But like I said, if you can skip that process then do it and apply as a Captain.

Hope you get an upgrade right quick!
Is it a hard 5000 for Captain, or can you apply if you are a little short?
I've never heard of anyone coming in with less. If you're that close to the 5000 I'd say just wait. Better to have the minimums then get your stuff thrown out because you are 200 hrs short.

Hope you get an upgrade right quick!
Yea me too. Time will tell. You goin to NJC this year?