Baggage Handlers


Well-Known Member
I am in college at The University of Oklahoma and I have been kicking around the idea of getting a job as a baggage handler at OKC. Is there part-time jobs as baggage handlers or how does that work? How do you go about applying for a job? And also, do they get flight benefits?

Basically I have no idea about baggage handling so if anyone has any good/bad comments let me know.

Thanks, Matt
I work for XJT as a baggage handler. There are part-time and full-time slots. Yes, at least at XJT, we get flight benefits. You can usually apply for the jobs online, but you can also try going by the airport, and asking to speak with the station managers of each airline. They can let you know if they are hiring, and how to apply, for that specific airline.

Depending on the airline, and station you may not be just a baggage handler. For example, at XJT, we are "cross utilized". This means one day I will work the ramp, as a baggage handler, and the next day, I'll be in my tie, working the ticket counter, or gate.
Hey Matt,

Like ChrisH, I'm a cross utilized agent. I basically do everything from working the ticket counter, ramp, cargo, baggage service, etc.

Most airlines have both part time and full time positions available. The best place to start looking for these positions is by going to the website of the airline you are interested in and look for the careers page.

Regarding flight benefits, again, most airlines offer them to both part time and full time employees. The benefits range from free travel to ID or industry discounts on other airlines worldwide. For example, in December of last year I traveled to Sydney, Australia. I was able to travel in business class round trip for a grand total of.........$300! ;) Just for fun I priced what a RT business class ticket would be for the same dates I left and came up with $10,000. It's amazing when you look at it that way!

As for baggage handling, I would assume at a major airport that would be your only task. Your duties may include running bags from airplane to airplane, sorting, or loading them on the aircraft. Again this all depends on the airline and airport you are working for.

Overall, I love my job. I've been doing it for about 3 years. I'm a full time student at the University of California Santa Barbara and have been able to work my schedule in conjunction with my school schedule. Some days are really fun and others are down right bad. I've figured out that if you do work for an airline, USE YOUR TRAVEL BENEFITS! You must be able to step away from the industry every now and then, you sanity depends on it! LOL

Hope this helps...any other questions let me know!
Bum it at the airport. Someone will give you a job.

Try to talk to the station manager. They will be in during bankers hours M-F 9-5 ish.

Yeah just get a little resume typed up and go to the airport. I went up there a few weeks ago and was able to get and interview and job offer with ExpressJet. I was gonna take the job, but I had my CFI checkride scheduled when they wanted me to go to training in California. I imagine they are still hiring at ExpressJet OKC. I would talk to Juan the station manager. The job was for part time, but I wasn't going to have much control over when I worked. They just schedule you and you can trade with other people.

Yes, ExpressJet did have free flight benefits.