Wondering how this works.


Well-Known Member
Hey ya'll.

I'm trying to justify the cost of coming down to NJC 2009. I got the day off, but now I'm not sure if its worth it. Of course i'd like to come just for fun but I have to justify every penny now a days.

Airfare, time off work, hotel, food, etc it all adds up.

I just don't see how 24-48 hours with a bunch of people is networking. Am I going to honestly be able to help someone get a job when I only met them for 2 nights, months or years ago?

I guess this is a larger question about networking. How does a few hours with someone translate later down the road?

I've met several people on the road and handed them my business card, but if they called me now I would have a really hard time remembering who they were. How can I help them out finding a job any better than I can help a stranger?

Does this speed networking really work?
I will just say this, when I got furloughed two people I meet at NJC offered to walk my resume in for me.
it's all about putting a face to a name...getting some personalized action which can make a big difference between internet friends and IRL friends.

anytime you do a happy hour, pampered chef party, get together or what not, you are networking...you just don't realize it because you already know most if not all those involved and of those new folks you meet, you've just networked with new faces and made small talk. they'll remember you based on whatever you discussed, your looks or your name or something funny you did..who knows, but they'll still remember you (for the most part).

as far as finding and justifying the $$...you can probably easily find a roommate to bunk with or a way to make the airfare less expensive (if someone you know in your area is coming out, fly with them, split the cost or drive with them and split the cost, find someone that will offer a buddy pass etc)...JCers take care of JCers when it comes to NJC...you don't have to worry about that.

Even if you were only to come down for one night or just for the monday party, you'll be putting 45 new names to faces/usernames for your future use AND all you have to do is simply keep in touch from then on...say hi, remind them who you are and you're good as gold when you need the assistance and don't have the know how.
I got my current job because of someone who I met one time at NJC. Is that good enough?
Ill give you my JC ticket. That will save you dough some dough.

Trust us, it is very very very worth it!!!
Wang, are you coming to Vegas or not?

The failboat can't sail without it's skipper.

Dude, I'm in. I even said I'd be the evil bartender. But Dough said I have to make sure my date changes out of her clear plastic heels and covers up the tramp stamp before he lets her in.
awww you know he won't be watching the door... so i wouldn't worry about that too much...

but, if you want to keep her, it might be good to put a collar on her with your name on it connected to a leash cuz we don't have enough chicks coming to this thing...we may need her to bring some of her girlfriends too :)

one wonders why we can't get girl pilots to NJC...ahhh yea...past year(s) behavior reminds me why (they get scared seeing a mob of guys come at them)... :p
think they'd do a 10 for 1 sale this year? i mean, considering the economy and all...HAHAHHAA
Dude, I'm in. I even said I'd be the evil bartender. But Dough said I have to make sure my date changes out of her clear plastic heels and covers up the tramp stamp before he lets her in.

Well, I guess that'd be an improvement over your success rate last year!! :beer::beer:
Hey ya'll.

I'm trying to justify the cost of coming down to NJC 2009. I got the day off, but now I'm not sure if its worth it. Of course i'd like to come just for fun but I have to justify every penny now a days.

Airfare, time off work, hotel, food, etc it all adds up.

I just don't see how 24-48 hours with a bunch of people is networking. Am I going to honestly be able to help someone get a job when I only met them for 2 nights, months or years ago?

I guess this is a larger question about networking. How does a few hours with someone translate later down the road?

I've met several people on the road and handed them my business card, but if they called me now I would have a really hard time remembering who they were. How can I help them out finding a job any better than I can help a stranger?

Does this speed networking really work?

You know me and John - every job John has gotten (including picking out skymates to train at) has come directly because of a contact at NJC. Seriously try to make it out there. You will network, and make friends, and get drunk, and have fun, and these drunken friends will help you out when the crap hits the fan. I think this type of event actually works better than just making small talk with someone in an FBO because you really do form friendships and bond with people over the hillarity of what ensues in Vegas. These people you meet aren't just some stranger you had a drink with once - they become good friends

besides that, we can't go this year - go and drink our share.
Well, here's my angle. Most of you guys just talk on the internet and have a totally skewed perspective on who one another is. Take a peek in "The Lavatory" and watch a bunch of cool people argue living raving lunatics abut cheetoes.

My thing is to get people in the same spot, loosen 'em up some and have them talk and get to know one another.

Everyone is, or knows someone who is hiring, can provide help or might be able to get you in contact with someone who is where you want to be.

You're not going to get that at a big Kit Darby "Wear your suit, spout the canned answers, shake the hands" events.

Networking is impossible these days because we create an image of someone based upon their writing skills (or lack thereof) and have a lot less personal, real world interaction.

Why Las Vegas? Everyone flies there, pretty much nonstop and there are leisure fares out the wazoo. Hotel rooms are plentiful and for the most part, relatively inexpensive. There's a lot of built-in activities that you can enjoy while you're there and it's got a whole different level of excitement than say, Billings MT.

If you want to meet other aviation professionals, both those you can help and those that can help you, well, they're going to be there.

You might get a lot out of it, you may not, as that's all up to you. I refuse to spoon-feed people, but I'm certainly more than willing to provide a stage for you to launch your own success.

But whether you come or if you don't, you need to meet other aviation professionals if you plan for success in an aviation career.

Personally, my plans are to leech all I can off of CalCapt and ask him loads of questions about flying as captain because eventually, one of these days, I'm going to get off my lazy black ass and upgrade and the more I fly, the more I realize that I'm prepared for the jump. I want to talk to ask lots of questions, over a beer, of Polar742 about international flying because he's done loads of Asia where I've only gone once and I want to know everything from someone with real world experience.

I could easily go on and on about what I'm planning to get from the event, but it's going to be different for everyone.

But most of all, I want to see all of my homies that I've made over the years on the website and in real life.
Personally, my plans are to leech all I can off of CalCapt and ask him loads of questions about flying as captain because eventually, one of these days, I'm going to get off my lazy black ass and upgrade and the more I fly, the more I realize that I'm prepared for the jump. I want to talk to ask lots of questions, over a beer, of Polar742 about international flying because he's done loads of Asia where I've only gone once and I want to know everything from someone with real world experience.

You may wanna rethink those goals. While CalCapt is the man, don't forget the puppy love. He will transform his eyes from the black lump of coal that can only form in a Captain's heart into soft doe eyes for the betrothed (and he best, she's a sharp one...).

As for Polar742, well, you might be surprised to find out he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and can only dole out such sage and remote advice such as: on overnights, never ever go into a sidestreet bar by yourself. If you do when you wake up, start the questions (Am I in a bathtub covered in ice? Do I know where I am? Are there cigarettes in my ashtray? Do I have my cash and credit?) And professional advice such as: If they give you 8879 for Mumbai....well, actually I do have a trick for that. I guess that'll be a FREE beer for Polar742 (Don't spoil it Staplegun, I know you know what I'm talking about!!). Score!
I routinely fly with First Officers who put forth just a little more effort than the guy who isn't sitting in their seat. The question you need to be asking yourself is: Have I done enough?
You may wanna rethink those goals. While CalCapt is the man, don't forget the puppy love. He will transform his eyes from the black lump of coal that can only form in a Captain's heart into soft doe eyes for the betrothed (and he best, she's a sharp one...).

I am not distracted by women. We pilots will talk shop I assure you. :bandit:
I just don't see how 24-48 hours with a bunch of people is networking. Am I going to honestly be able to help someone get a job when I only met them for 2 nights, months or years ago?

I guess this is a larger question about networking. How does a few hours with someone translate later down the road?

I had help getting a job from NJC. Met a guy there for all of 5 minutes who later told another guy I was okay, and he then wrote a recommendation for me.

I also met another guy at a few JC events and out of the blue he sends me an email one day asking if I wanted to get on with his very large and respected company. I didn't quite have the times for the job, but he left the offer to help open.

Like others have said, it's all about putting a name to a face. I figure we all can appear a little "dooshy" online at times - meeting someone face to face can at least confirm we are a little less dooshy than we appear. ;)