What happened to the Szluka Award?

One person I would recommend, who is understated, but has been a positive voice here and every single post is filled with wisdom and knowledge. He also has made himself available far beyond anything I have ever done, and really is someone I would epitomize if I could fit in his boots is Captain Bob...he has been Captain Bob since he was in flight school and has carried himself that way throughout the entire time I have known him...(Can you believe it's been 7 years Bob?!?!)

I would recommend him for the Pay It Forward award, if we should ever have one.:clap: to you Bob.

I recommend Bob as well. He started his 2 hour shift at the career fair at 0930 and didn't come back to the hotel room until 1830. When he finally arrived, I said "Bob where have you been?".
"Gotta pay it forward and gotta help out Doug and Kristie".

All day at the fair he made it a point to engage every person that came to the booth in conversation and try to help them out with anything he could. This continued on throughout our entire visit. Whether it was talking to people at the Hoover Dam, or during any social event, Bob was only interested in helping others. I have my own bias because he has been my willing mentor since 2006, but I still believe Bob epitomizes what this website stands for.

Cheers and a big hats off to my friend Bob.
I know more than one person that did the exact same thing....and if you ask me, the szluka award should go to each and every one of them!! :)
That is very true Kristie and I wouldn't want to discount any of the volunteers hard work so the same head nod and thanks goes to all! I only hope next year I can do as much as others did for this event:rawk::clap::rawk:
It is a reflection upon this community that there are so many people who would qualify for such an award. :clap:
I appreciate all the kind words, though the adulation is undeserved.

I am just a dude that has been fortunate enough to ride some coat-tails and made plenty of mistakes along the way. I just hope I can tell some of my stories, and let someone (anyone?) learn from my missteps.

I wrote, if I correctly recall, a grand total of two (2) emails taking approximately thirty (30) seconds total to compose and send.

I did pimp them at the ACE in order to do my best to have them desire to comeback. I got some very positive feedback about ACE from them, so hopefully we'll see them in '11.

Certainly, I don't deserve any award, as what I did to get my employers there pales in comparison to the work of many at ACE, and the great contributions on here from our community.

The best REWARD I can get would be if some JCer's get junior to me next year.

Thanks again for the kind words. I am quite flattered and humbled by them.
Hmmm, it seems the Szluka award has changed a bit since 03'. What happened to Mrs. Robinson? ;)
I nominate Captain Bob. Im surprised he didnt lose his voice from talking to EVERYONE that came up to the JC table. It was a pleasure working with him that day. Thanks Bob!
I think there were just a dozen of us at the innaugral JC event and we all swore secrecey. If Szluka wants to spill the beans, it might make a good story next year.

The theme was, "What happens Vegas, stays in Vegas." In fact, all the photos were of people with their hands in their faces. Damn paparazzi!