Transpac or Epic flight academy

Park Ji Shin

New Member
I'm planning to take a flight training in one of the two mentioned academies. I was so confused about which should be a good choice as there is lack of information/review available.
Tuition in Transpac is significantly higher than Epic. Is it really worth ?
Anyone here could help ??? Your feedback is highly appreciated.
Transpac does a lot of outreach to the community at JC, Epic I really haven't heard of.
You'll have far more severe clear weather days in PHX,which means you can fly more which in turn leads to hours faster.

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I'm at TransPac right now as a CFI. Message me if you want any details but I will say their FAA program is extremely expensive. You could get a better bang for you buck at other schools in PHX area but I'd suggest the here for the weather.
I'm at TransPac right now as a CFI. Message me if you want any details but I will say their FAA program is extremely expensive. You could get a better bang for you buck at other schools in PHX area but I'd suggest the here for the weather.

It's not really that expensive if you compare it to ATP. Also it's worth noting, that their programs have more realistic hours quoted. Their PPL program is listed at 17k, but that is with 75 hours of flight time. Other places may quote 10k with 40 hours of flight time. I think that Transpac has a lot more quality training compared to other places. They're not trying to rush all their students to a checkride and shove them out the door.
Got it. as opposed to EU or Asia license.
Yeah except our Asian students still do FAA certificates and then transfer them when they go back to China/Korea etc but we call our domestic program the "FAA program" if you're American wanting to get training at TransPac. They're changing it a lot because they want more American students but I don't know much about it because we are obviously largely international academy....prices here are hard to convince people to show up for training...especially with aviation colleges being cheaper...
My buddy taught there (t-Pac) in 2013. He liked it ok...flew his butt off. I am looking to finish up ratings AND Im considering Epic in FL, FSA, Vero beach, and maybe... some local stuff here and there...but would move for those also.
Hoping to hear from any pilot/cfi that attended Epic. I have a buddy who is about to start there. CFI/II and then on to TSA. TSA is their chosen regional of record....
I would rather not get locked in with any one regional since the landscape could change quick for some of them.
My buddy taught there (t-Pac) in 2013. He liked it ok...flew his butt off. I am looking to finish up ratings AND Im considering Epic in FL, FSA, Vero beach, and maybe... some local stuff here and there...but would move for those also.
Hoping to hear from any pilot/cfi that attended Epic. I have a buddy who is about to start there. CFI/II and then on to TSA. TSA is their chosen regional of record....
I would rather not get locked in with any one regional since the landscape could change quick for some of them.
When the time comes to pick an airline pick a regional that fits you and your shoe...not a regional your school suggests or has an agreement with.
There are better choices in the area. I work at Transpac and I see plenty of American students, but I too have heard it's expensive. On a side note, I only flew 75 hours last month at TPAC. I wouldn't exactly call that flying my butt off, but I hear instructors saying they flew a ton
There are better choices in the area. I work at Transpac and I see plenty of American students, but I too have heard it's expensive. On a side note, I only flew 75 hours last month at TPAC. I wouldn't exactly call that flying my butt off, but I hear instructors saying they flew a ton
You can get more hours elsewhere...for sure and if you work 6-7 days a week that helps a lot. I've averaged 60/month since December and I don't work on my weekends. If you are somehow sane enough to work 6 days a week it helps but you could just go across the street to Westwind and their pulling 70-90/month and you'll get paid a reasonable check compared to us.

The another big academies around the area similar to TPac are typically pulling the same hours I hear. Pick and choose your poison, honestly.
Yeah always keep all doors open. As far as choosing a school, you should also look into smaller schools in the area. Phoenix offers great flying weather, no doubt. The smaller schools tend to be more hands on, less expensive, and less intimidating to some people. Big schools, such as my employer, typically care about the bottom line and will not always offer the best training. Look for a place that has enough airplanes and an instructor who is willing to work with your schedule
You can get more hours elsewhere...for sure and if you work 6-7 days a week that helps a lot. I've averaged 60/month since December and I don't work on my weekends. If you are somehow sane enough to work 6 days a week it helps but you could just go across the street to Westwind and their pulling 70-90/month and you'll get paid a reasonable check compared to us.

The another big academies around the area similar to TPac are typically pulling the same hours I hear. Pick and choose your poison, honestly.

How have you guys been flying lately, with all the wind? I keep getting cancelled as a result. It's annoying.
How have you guys been flying lately, with all the wind? I keep getting cancelled as a result. It's annoying.
Well, with instrument it's fine. Annoying and pretty tough to teach but oh well.

Private guys are cancelling typical and solos after 1200 are pretty much consistently cancelling. If you teach private right now you're start time is probably 0500 though so you can almost get all your flying in before the wind really gets crazy some days.