Took My First Helicopter Lesson


Well-Known Member
Wow, what an experience.

I ended up cutting weight and getting under 250 so I could go in the Guimbal Cabri.

I had so much fun, my face hurt when we got back to base because I was grinning most of the time.

The doors were off so I could see right outside, and the weather was great for flying. In the 70s with not too much humidity.

It's not as different from a fixed wing as I was expecting, but there are definitely some differences. I even got to practice hovering.

I have to say, I saw someone on here post to be careful if you fly fixed wings when you take a helicopter lesson because you will want to fly only helicopters. Haha this is so true.

I love fixed wings, but the helicopter is amazing. I had no idea some of the things it can do.
That's awesome. I've always been on the side of "not a chance" when it comes to helicopters. As Lawman said, too much voodoo involved. Though to be honest, it's something I would like to try. Kind of worried though, it's as fun as many seem to think, then the last thing I need to do is spend all the money I don't have on helicopter lessons.
Welcome to the cult of Black magic and voodoo that is rotary wing aerodynamics

Thanks man!

What an introduction!..... They are incredible machines.

That's awesome. I've always been on the side of "not a chance" when it comes to helicopters. As Lawman said, too much voodoo involved. Though to be honest, it's something I would like to try. Kind of worried though, it's as fun as many seem to think, then the last thing I need to do is spend all the money I don't have on helicopter lessons.

Hahaha, I know what you mean dude. I'm already thinking of what I could sell to go back up!

It's a blast though. If you get the opportunity, definitely give it a shot!
Just don't let your guard down, don't disrepect them, and don't trust them.

The helicopter is not your friend. Nor does it want to be.

Thanks man for the advice. I will try to remember this and remember to respect the machine.
I've said it many times before, and I'll keep saying it again with my diatribe here:

Unlike airplanes, helicopters simply have a death wish, wanting to commit suicide at all times, and waiting for the right moment when the pilot isn't paying attention, so they can take you with them. It's nothing personal.......for they do warn you beforehand: The helicopter does in fact talk to you at all times. But woe be the pilot who 1. Doesn't listen to what the helicopter is telling him (complacency), or 2. Doesn't fully understand the language the helicopter is speaking (inexperience); for the helicopter will interpert both of these failures to listen to it, as a pilot who also has a suicidal death wish same as the helicopter, and who gladly wants to share with the helicopter a double-suicide fate. A fate the helicopter is more than happy to accomodate. And the helicopter is, and has always been, equal opportunity in this regard; for it harbors no hatred, holds no personal grudges, and does not discriminate in any way, shape, or form.

Helicopters have no friends, don't want any friends, and don't care to be your friend. Understand that, and you will be fine as the pilot of them.
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I'm glad you posted this because it backs up what the instructor was telling me.

He repeated a bunch of times to forget about the gauges and feel the helicopter instead.

He even made a joke that he would cover the gauges with a towel, haha.

He also said a couple of the lines you posted.

I see what you mean about it trying to crash. It kind of reminded me of a sport bike, radical, and needing constant attention.

Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge. I'm always happy to listen and learn.
I've said it many times before, and I'll keep saying it again with my diatribe here:

Unlike airplanes, helicopters simply have a death wish, wanting to commit suicide at all times, and waiting for the right moment when the pilot isn't paying attention, so they can take you with them. It's nothing personal.......for they do warn you beforehand: The helicopter does in fact talk to you at all times. But woe be the pilot who 1. Doesn't listen to what the helicopter is telling him (complacency), or 2. Doesn't fully understand the language the helicopter is speaking (inexperience); for the helicopter will interpert both of these failures to listen to it, as a pilot who also has a suicidal death wish same as the helicopter, and who gladly wants to share with the helicopter a double-suicide fate. A fate the helicopter is more than happy to accomodate. And the helicopter is, and has always been, equal opportunity in this regard; for it harbors no hatred, holds no personal grudges, and does not discriminate in any way, shape, or form.

Helicopters have no friends, don't want any friends, and don't care to be your friend. Understand that, and you will be fine as the pilot of them.
So the Helicopter is the Cat to the Airplane's Dog?
I've said it many times before, and I'll keep saying it again with my diatribe here:

Unlike airplanes, helicopters simply have a death wish, wanting to commit suicide at all times, and waiting for the right moment when the pilot isn't paying attention, so they can take you with them. It's nothing personal.......for they do warn you beforehand: The helicopter does in fact talk to you at all times. But woe be the pilot who 1. Doesn't listen to what the helicopter is telling him (complacency), or 2. Doesn't fully understand the language the helicopter is speaking (inexperience); for the helicopter will interpert both of these failures to listen to it, as a pilot who also has a suicidal death wish same as the helicopter, and who gladly wants to share with the helicopter a double-suicide fate. A fate the helicopter is more than happy to accomodate. And the helicopter is, and has always been, equal opportunity in this regard; for it harbors no hatred, holds no personal grudges, and does not discriminate in any way, shape, or form.

Helicopters have no friends, don't want any friends, and don't care to be your friend. Understand that, and you will be fine as the pilot of them.
That's the shot I needed...I'm over it again.

Thanks, Mike.
I've said it many times before, and I'll keep saying it again with my diatribe here:

Unlike airplanes, helicopters simply have a death wish, wanting to commit suicide at all times, and waiting for the right moment when the pilot isn't paying attention, so they can take you with them. It's nothing personal.......for they do warn you beforehand: The helicopter does in fact talk to you at all times. But woe be the pilot who 1. Doesn't listen to what the helicopter is telling him (complacency), or 2. Doesn't fully understand the language the helicopter is speaking (inexperience); for the helicopter will interpert both of these failures to listen to it, as a pilot who also has a suicidal death wish same as the helicopter, and who gladly wants to share with the helicopter a double-suicide fate. A fate the helicopter is more than happy to accomodate. And the helicopter is, and has always been, equal opportunity in this regard; for it harbors no hatred, holds no personal grudges, and does not discriminate in any way, shape, or form.
Helicopters have no friends, don't want any friends, and don't care to be your friend. Understand that, and you will be fine as the pilot of them.

I agree, but some are more forgiving than others. The TH-55/Hughes/Schweizer 369. What a docile and forgiving trainer. And if you do ball it up chances are you will crawl out, dust yourself off and walk away.
The -60. What a good friend and mistress. So many stupid things in that airframe over the years that she forgave. Such a rugged aircraft built for combat. If I ever have to go to combat again, I hope it is with this dear friend that I miss.
I agree, but some are more forgiving than others. The TH-55/Hughes/Schweizer 369. What a docile and forgiving trainer. And if you do ball it up chances are you will crawl out, dust yourself off and walk away.

The -60. What a good friend and mistress. So many stupid things in that airframe over the years that she forgave. Such a rugged aircraft built for combat. If I ever have to go to combat again, I hope it is with this dear friend that I miss.

Nice ird, but the -60 does so much for you though, that it makes you lazy. It's funny getting -60 guys into a B2 FPS/trim/SAS. Like they decided to jump on a bucking bronco in hover and landing until they get used to it, as it's worse than the basic helos such as TH-57/67/OH-58
I had the pleasure of watching a couple of the DHS Dolphins spool up and take off at DCA yesterday while waiting for my flight to ATL. Winds were pretty calm but the guys flying them seemed to handle them with precision and it got me itching, just a bit, to learn to fly a helo.