

Well-Known Member
Thank you all. Those who had a hand in putting together the inaugural ACE and 8th NJC, you have really outdone yourselves. Doug and Kristie's vision of getting people together to network has never been stronger and more connected. I can only imagine what the future holds.

I had a great time meeting up everyone and seeing old and new faces. I can't tell you how impressed I am with core group of folks from JC. The opportunities that await everyone who participates in the networking web that has been assembled is boundless.

Thanks again to everyone, especially those who tirelessly put this event together. -Chuck

The whole event was just fantastic, but it really helps when all the participants have such great attitudes and are all on the same friendly page.

It was a real pleasure meeting you Chuck, hope to see you around.
I want to thank everyone too. I have been a lurker on the board for a while, and it was great to meet everyone.
Agreed, Thank for taking the time to plan it, it was my first event and it was a blast. Oh and thanks to CJ for letting me know about it.
I'm blaming you for getting me sick! Taliban flu ;)
C'mon Chuck....don't be hatin' on Osama's Cuz. We both spent a good amount of time talking with him......and even if he had a cough...I'M not sick...and I'm in MUCH worse physical shape than you!!! know....y"all had a little bow chicka wow wow goin' on....... Just sayin'.

I'm not COFF sick man I just COFF COFFF just flew in!
C'mon Chuck....don't be hatin' on Osama's Cuz. We both spent a good amount of time talking with him......and even if he had a cough...I'M not sick...and I'm in MUCH worse physical shape than you!!! know....y"all had a little bow chicka wow wow goin' on....... Just sayin'.


I never kiss and tell!