Sierra West Airlines

Congratz man!!!! I got a friend that applied, they tell you how many FO's they were hiring?
I used to work there a few years back. I was a Metro FO. That was back when the pilot game was a lot more generous to it's players. The experience was pretty cool, getting to fly to all different places around the US and mexico. That said, I wouldn't go back. Part of that is because I love where I am now, the other part is that it really sucks working there. The bosses are jackasses, the hours blow, the planes are trash, the pay is practically non-existant, etc. The thing I hated most is how the company has no notion whatsoever of seniority. You will be a faithful Lear FO for years, and they'll hire a street captain instead of upgrading you. Or they'll upgrade the new FO they hired last week because he is older or some other reason like that. In my opinion, you should never work for a company that operates like that.
That's about what a jumper driver makes around here in a 182.. except that's contract and is taxed 30% in this wonderful state :) Is their pay similar? (contract/self employed?)
Can anyone give me their interview experience with Sierra West. I got an interview this Friday. I really need a job at this point.
Does anyone know what their competitive minimums are for FO? I have been sending them resumes for the past year. It seems they don't like me very much. I have 850TT/367 Multi with an Instructor background.

Can anyone give me their interview experience with Sierra West. I got an interview this Friday. I really need a job at this point.

Would you mind telling me what your times are?
Does anyone know what their competitive minimums are for FO? I have been sending them resumes for the past year. It seems they don't like me very much. I have 850TT/367 Multi with an Instructor background.

Would you mind telling me what your times are?

If you bug them enough you can get on with pretty low time, like 250-300 hours. Just make sure you have a good life insurance policy though.
woaaah....where is this place that takes people that low?
Wherever you can live off $250/week I guess...:eek:. I wouldn't touch that place with a 10 foot pole. I'm interested in getting into 135 freight, but I I'd much rather wait until I get IFR 135 mins than put up with the stuff their pilot group has to put up with.
From their website: " we keep our crews on standby 24/7!"
THAT.. is disturbing - and unsafe? I don't mean I'd want or need to go out and drink or something every night, but I need to know I'm OFF when I'm off.. I don't mind a 3am wakeup call if I know it's coming and will go to bed at 7pm, no problem.
But to be happily dozing off at midnight and then get a call at 1am? no bueno.
Welcome to most part 135 on demand charter.

It is sad that even though it is illegal it has become an industry standard and won't be fixed.