Proxy purchase.


Macho Superpilot
Has anyone here purchased an aircraft, entirely by-proxy?

I've found what appears to be a great deal, however I'm a little pre occupied for the next few months and can't be hands on for the purchase, should I pull the trigger.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
I've found an IA for the pre-buy. That's easy enough.
I think I could negotiate a hangar for the interim. Or, finding a dude to ferry it 600 miles wouldn't be terribly hard.

Not entirely sure what I'm asking, I suppose.
For those keeping score:
I pulled the trigger on a pre-buy.
Results will come in this week, I anticipate making an offer.

I'm using an escrow service, Aero-Space Reports out of Ok City (I think they are all based there it seems.) They charge about 1% of sale price, but give a 10% discount to AOPA members.
I’ve done vehicles, but not airplanes that way. Specific power of attorney for the closing docs, wire transfer instructions or cashiers check for the funds. Somewhat straight forward so long as you trust whoever is representing you.
I used an escrow service.

Made an offer on a 1953 Cessna 180. If it passes the pre-buy I'll post pictures.