Leavin' Las Ve... Oh, nevermind. Thanks UAL.


Well-Known Member
I'm sitting at the airport (free wifi is the way it should always be!)

TED cxld into Denver apparently due to crew issues, the good news is I got rebooked for departure only 3 hours later.

An interesting conversation happened while we were all waiting to get rebooked however. One man, upset by the delay in seeing his family got a thoughtful look and said

"You know what? I think that from now on I am going to concentrate more on the quality of service when I book my tickets rather than simply choosing an airline on price alone."

Several of the others in the line agreed with his realization and committed that they would as well. It seems that some people are catching on that sometimes good things are worth paying for. Interesting I thought...

Nice seeing you all at NJC and United willing I may actually get a good nights sleep for the first time in half a week!

Sorry your flight got cancelled.:(

I am glad my flight made it out, because I have a big test tomorrow.:banghead: I must say I was not impressed by United/TEDs service at all.
Good! we just got home too... man, that vegas to phx drive can be a little too long!
yup.. i had to work today...

altho it's been a bit hard with a hoarse voice and somewhat feeling like a cold coming on :(