Goodie bags anyone?


Mama Bear....
Staff member
Does anyone want a goodie bag? I'm trying to figure out a way to best distribute them as a lot of them didn't get passed out last year.

If anyone wants one, let me know ahead of time so i make sure to bring the right amount....

I think Pengy has some things to give away again this year too, it's just going to be a matter of how/when things get distributed.

How many are new to the NJC experience??
Does anyone want a goodie bag? I'm trying to figure out a way to best distribute them as a lot of them didn't get passed out last year.

If anyone wants one, let me know ahead of time so i make sure to bring the right amount....

I think Pengy has some things to give away again this year too, it's just going to be a matter of how/when things get distributed.

How many are new to the NJC experience??
Whatever they are, I want one! I mean, who doesn't want goodies??

(Oh, and I'm new, too.)
Just send a goodie bag over to my house here in Tennessee since I cannot make it to the bash. I will send you my address.:yar:
along with your address, send me shipping cost from can pay for shipping/handling via paypal or send a check to PO Box 12391, Scottsdale, AZ 85260! :)

As soon as we receiving shipping/handling payment, we'll send one out! Figure about 2 lbs to ship and only use USPS please.

*this method will work for anyone that would like a goodie bag shipped to them :)
I think they got passed out last year. It's just that everyone was so drunk after the party that they all got left in your suite. I know that's what happened to mine! I think one of the problems is that we tend to hand them out at the event and then go off to the strip. No one wants to carry them around the strip with them. That's why it worked well when we were all at the Hawthorne that year. Everyone was able to drop them in their rooms and then meet back up right away.

I will bring down some small items this year, 777 magnets & 747 stickers.

Does anybody want a 787 Cockpit poster?
Yea give me a goodie bag...thats one of the best things ab out NJC...the free goodies. And Pengy hell yea hook me up with a 787 cockpit poster,and I'll be sure to say thank you!!!

for those who want them - when do we want to get together and get them distributed? it'd be better if it was before or after the event.
Does anyone want a goodie bag? I'm trying to figure out a way to best distribute them as a lot of them didn't get passed out last year.

If anyone wants one, let me know ahead of time so i make sure to bring the right amount....

I think Pengy has some things to give away again this year too, it's just going to be a matter of how/when things get distributed.

How many are new to the NJC experience??

Let's see... that's a Heck, Yes to #1 and a "I'm a Noob Here!" to #2.
So, I've got 7 so far.... Any other takers? I might just bring 15 just to be on the safe side...