From maintenance to helicopters. Needing info..


Well-Known Member
So I worked on helicopters in the Marines, then got out and continued doing maintenance related things in industry. I'm now in manufacturing as a Multicraft maintenance guy but I'm also flying 3 days a week and anywhere from 3-6 hours a week working on my private helicopter license. I will continue this pace all the way up through commercial and hopefully CFI and instrument. By the time I finish it all I should have about ~300 hours, and I think the majority will be R22 hours as I'm only using the H269C for my private.

What employment options are available at 300 hours? The most obvious is just trying to get hired as a CFI by my school, but is there anything else out there? I would eventually like to get turbine time too I just don't know how I'm going to Segway into that. Just looking for some advice on the progression of this career.

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You'll be extremely fortunate to find a tour job at 300 hours. When I left my last helicopter job the resumes for my single position were well over 600. That is 600 qualified applicants for 1 single position. With the lay offs in the gulf you'll be competing with guys in excess of 1000 hours for the same position. If you had 2000 hours the story would be different. The helicopter industry has been decimated by the low oil prices and shale. There are really very few jobs for anyone under 500-1000 hours and even then I know a bunch who have a 1000 and are looking. You best and probably only option is to get a job at the school you train at. If the place you are at now doesn't look promising and you can't get them to guarantee you a job I would start looking elsewhere to finish your training. Find a school that guarantees it hires its students and try to get it in writing.

It is not a good time to be going into vertical aviation. It may improve in 2 years when you would be done but who can tell the future. But for sure if you don't already have it get that A&P. That will give you a leg up on most applicants. You may find yourself turning wrenches for the first year or two but they might let you sidestep eventually to the cockpit.

Good luck man and thanks for your service.