At least 1 dead as plane with 7 aboard crashes into lake

The guy isn't wrong, but that doesn't relieve Boeing from having designed an aircraft that occasionally wants to crash itself in certain circumstances.
It seems I've reached my limit of free NYT articles, which rather embarrassingly scuppers my aforementioned disdain, I suppose. In any case, I would assume that Langewiesche did his usual minutely correct, emotion-free analysis, and that his conclusions were largely correct, whoever they upset. Certainly, his analysis of AF447 seemed spot-on to me (*NOT AN AIRBUS PYLOT*)
People don't like people like Langewiesche anymore. We used to like people like him when America was inventing things, leading the thoughts of the world, and making itself great. People like Langewiesche cause great swinging appendages to shrivel. What he stated in his piece was correct, but SHOULD have been more than obvious a long time ago.

Why was it NOT obvious and broadly apprehended? Because in life, as in instrument flying, too many people don't pay attention.
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The guy isn't wrong, but that doesn't relieve Boeing from having designed an aircraft that occasionally wants to crash itself in certain circumstances.

I mean. It’s continuous nose down input via stab trim, and a flick of your thumb’s trim switch stops it for 5 seconds. So your airplane keeps nosing down on you. If the only solution you can think of is to haul back on your yoke, you’re already dead.
Button pushers isn’t always aviating.
Shouldn't you already be looking at your instruments if you're in or about to enter IMC?
You should.

But in humanity, there is a very strong tendency to mistake the symbolic with the real. Words are not the world around us. Money is not wealth. A vapid gaze is not perception...
The guy isn't wrong, but that doesn't relieve Boeing from having designed an aircraft that occasionally wants to crash itself in certain circumstances.
No, it doesn't.

This MAX deal is a terrific warning for ALL industries and ALL societies. This is a story of spherical failure. This is a story of humans -at all edges of the influence web- succumbing to avarice and hubris while abrogating responsibility. It is a story of increasing technological complexity in an age of increasing human "simpletonicity".

Everyone in this epic lost the ball. Yet they all continued the approach.
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^ Who is THIS guy? I hope he enjoyed working with the NTSB, cause I think we can safely say that that's in the past.

I've accidentally run into a few of his videos. As a policy, I don't watch YT videos where people point cameras at themselves and talk. The little bit of him I've watched hasn't left me awestruck - did he mention anything here worth noting?
He does have a cool plane Tho !
I would love to own a DC-3 (without the maintenance :p)
There are valid points in his YT Videos.

Even if he becomes an honorary professor at UND or ERAU, I still won’t watch his material. It is very apparent that he is in it for narcissistic likes, clicks, & shares. Too many times in recent memory have I encountered a pilot that was promoting him without knowing about that little story from 2010. They’re all surprised to hear the guy trying to be an NTSB speculator was one in trouble for a ground incident with an airplane.

If you’re looking for other content, places like the Air Safety Foundation, AOPA, NTSB, SPA, IAC, EAA, SSA and a long list of other reputable sources promote safety through education.
Even if he becomes an honorary professor at UND or ERAU, I still won’t watch his material. It is very apparent that he is in it for narcissistic likes, clicks, & shares. Too many times in recent memory have I encountered a pilot that was promoting him without knowing about that little story from 2010. They’re all surprised to hear the guy trying to be an NTSB speculator was one in trouble for a ground incident with an airplane.

If you’re looking for other content, places like the Air Safety Foundation, AOPA, NTSB, SPA, IAC, EAA, SSA and a long list of other reputable sources promote safety through education.
I'm not promoting the guy, as I stated there are many valid points in his videos, I know all the sources you mentioned as I've been in this industry 35 Years +. I could care less about his personal attributes. I did learn a few things watching him, just like I did from my brand new students (in my old days :biggrin:).....
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Even if he becomes an honorary professor at UND or ERAU, I still won’t watch his material. It is very apparent that he is in it for narcissistic likes, clicks, & shares. Too many times in recent memory have I encountered a pilot that was promoting him without knowing about that little story from 2010. They’re all surprised to hear the guy trying to be an NTSB speculator was one in trouble for a ground incident with an airplane.

If you’re looking for other content, places like the Air Safety Foundation, AOPA, NTSB, SPA, IAC, EAA, SSA and a long list of other reputable sources promote safety through education.
So... whatever became of "that little story from 2010"??
Did da dadgum gubmint git 'im??
So... whatever became of "that little story from 2010"??
Did da dadgum gubmint git 'im??

Well, of course that all depends on what you want to call “git ‘im” or which branch of the “da dadgum gubmint” you’re concerned about, the local or federal.
Great documentary about these lunatics....

Downloading and gonna check it out later, thanks for the suggestion