Asking too much: Live Camera?



I know it is asking too much, and I'm not really asking. But would it be difficult to set up a live web cam on the night of the NetWork JC? Maybe like a laptop with a small computer camera set up to it and a link to the website?
we don't have an internet connection in the room and that's something we'd have to pay for that would probably end up being kindof expensive this time around. we can put it on the list for next year...

as it is, there really isn't going to be much going on except for everyone talking to everyone.. it's a big mingle session overall.. no major speakers this time around.

we're looking at maybe getting a few speakers for next time around as well, in which a webcam might be a good idea!

thanks for the idea Brian, we'll put it on our list...

If there was a live webcam, half the dudes and some of the gals would probably wind up mooning the camera most of the time...
A hotel with no internet connection? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
actually, looking at the price ($50/day for high speed access), it might be doable.. but we'd have to put the webcam up high in order for it to work like it should with being able to catch everything... we'd have to keep the laptop down low which means a long cable....

if we can figure out a way to mount it high like that without having to put the laptop way up high as well, we might be able to do it.. just not really sure yet cuz this is the first we've thought/heard about it.

other thing we could do is open up a moblog esp for network jc so that everyone with a camera phone could post to it....

if we do a webcam, it won't be a live video type camera.. it'd be a picture every 15 seconds type thing....
Don't worry about it Kristie. You guys already have enough expenses because of the event. $50 everyday is a ripoff IMO.
SA, Brian!

The network JC thing is only one night.

But I do think it would be too much to ask for.

Look, folks, Doug and Kristie are already:

1. Negotiating a room block with a hotel
2. Dragging all the goodies up to Vegas and putting them in goodie bags.
3. Printing up name badges for everyone attending
4. Making sure the room is set up properly for the event
5. Giving out the goodie bags and badges
6. A million and one other things

Let's not dump something else on them.

My two cents.
High speed internet for $50??? Maybe I won't bring my laptop... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Hey Tony, we're cool dude.. we've got all that stuff done and the goodie bags are going to be put together on the drive up (it is a 4+ hr drive!)....

Matt, the $50/day is for the convention room alone.. we could do it, it's just a small charge compared to what we're paying for everything as a total! so it really wouldn't be a big deal IF we could find someone to help us get it hooked up and running and make sure we have long enough cord etc etc....

if we can get someone to set up the website (we might be able to use the cam site on, bring out the cams and hook it up/get it running.. then $50 for 2-3 hrs of time wouldn't be too bad... just that doug and myself won't have the time and won't be that computer savvy for the day - we have biz to tend to...

heck, if John H wants to do this, i'm all for it! I think it's a great idea!!

just keep in mind that there'd be pictures every 15 seconds and no sound...unless someone has a video camera that can display like a live webcam??? i have NO idea how those work!
Unless someone has a digital camcorder. Someone can tape most of the weekend, and put it on DVD. For a small charge, get a video of the weekend. I'd do it, but I'm missing DVD recording drive and my camera only does small video splices without sound. Anyone have a digital camcorder?

Seeing as I got the shaft on going /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/insane.gif I don't know how much I can help in that matter...
You can always check out the Live Pool cam at the Hard Rock Casino, I'll make sure to smile while downing some frozen drinks with the girlfriend on Saturday afternoon. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buck.gif
Nah I'm sure there will be plenty of pics after the event... and really all the web cam would show is a bunch of people standing around. Just my 2c
SA, Brian!

The network JC thing is only one night.

But I do think it would be too much to ask for.

Look, folks, Doug and Kristie are already:

1. Negotiating a room block with a hotel
2. Dragging all the goodies up to Vegas and putting them in goodie bags.
3. Printing up name badges for everyone attending
4. Making sure the room is set up properly for the event
5. Giving out the goodie bags and badges
6. A million and one other things

Let's not dump something else on them.

My two cents.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tony, I think you need the SA. This is my post:

I know it is asking too much, and I'm not really asking. But would it be difficult to set up a live web cam on the night of the NetWork JC? Maybe like a laptop with a small computer camera set up to it and a link to the website?
in order to get good footage, the camera would have to be set up high.. otherwise you'd be staring at people's butts and that's no fun! I've already explained that it's not just a small thing because we don't have a website set up for it nor do we have access right now to the internet inside the room...

if someone wants to set it up for us, we might be able to pull it off.. but nobody's really offered so far. had we thought of it earlier, we might have been able to pull it off easier, but i'm not sure we can pull it off since NJC is in 2 days...

oh and tony, i think, was SAing your "$50 everyday is a ripoff IMO", which i think you didn't mean everyday but ALL day, and he was just pointing out how much work we've done thus far and will be doing in the next two days for NJC....

I think there is just miscommunication due to typo (when told SA, look back at your old post and try to figure out why someone's SAing - most likely it's just miscommunication)...

it'd cost us $50 for the 2-3 hrs we're there...if you think it's a ripoff, then we shouldn't be spending the money to do a webcam then right?! I think it's highly overpriced too, but the internet access isn't normally for groups like ours, it's for conferences/training on/via computers! that's where it becomes a cheap service for others.

If someone can set it up/hook us up with a webpage to run it on.. we'll pay the $50 to host it...
Sorry Tony, just a misunderstanding. I really don't think it it such a good idea anymore. Let's just leave it fo another time where internet connection isn't $50 a day and we have everything planned a while before the event. It's not like there aren't enough things going on already. How much would I have to pay for someone to send me a goodies bag? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
nuthin to it brian.. If i have leftovers (which looks likely), i'll send one over! just PM me your address!!

we'll put the webcam on for next years event list!!
Brian, I'm not mad at you, okay? Don't think I am. I'm just having some fun with you.

And if we do have a webcam for the event, Brian, I'll make sure to give you something to remember the event by

It may not be a POSITIVE memory, though.

Heh heh heh. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/insane.gif
Brian, I'm not mad at you, okay? Don't think I am. I'm just having some fun with you.

And if we do have a webcam for the event, Brian, I'll make sure to give you something to remember the event by

It may not be a POSITIVE memory, though.

Heh heh heh. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/insane.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
POSITIVE G, Brian, yeah. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
some people surf the web on laptops using cellphones with an adapter cable.. if you had some free minutes on the phone you could call a dial up ISP and post pics for an hour or something like that..or do some live netmeeting type thing.. whatever many options there but I bet you could figure it out.

(wish I could have gone.. next time /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif )