...anyone else sick?

Best start training your livers now, youngbloods, cause much though I don't want to, it looks like Boris is going to have to Regulate at JC '11. You've been warned. I mean, seriously, no one even winds up dead or at least in jail, and you're all congratulating yourselves on your Drinking? It's embarrassing.

Going to hold you to that Boris.

It was sad - Ed and I sat there knocking back 6 vodka tonics an hour, watching the kids drop like flies. If you ain't seeing the sun come up cocktail in hand, you've got nothing to brag about.
Going to hold you to that Boris.

It was sad - Ed and I sat there knocking back 6 vodka tonics an hour, watching the kids drop like flies. If you ain't seeing the sun come up cocktail in hand, you've got nothing to brag about.

Just realize that for me it's all Duty, not Pleasure. I don't want to drink till I can't see...the days of that being pleasurable are far, far behind me. But one is obligated at a certain point to set the bar a little higher for those to follow. We will set that bar next year, God willing and the crick don't rise. And, while I will take no Pleasure in the traffic jam of ambulances at the hotel entrance, I will recognize that it is the Right Thing, the necessary thing.

Another Unpleasant Duty that nevertheless must be undertaken will be the comforting of all the terrified, upset, nubile girlfriends of the hospitalized junior pseudo-drinkers. It's not easy, it's not fun, but it's our Cross to Bear, you know?
The big problem with Vegas is the dry desert air. I didn't realize it until last month when we made a weekend trip out there with friends from Chicago. All of us had extremely dry throats/sinuses, and I ended up with a nosebleed. My fiancee and I didn't drink excessively, but I still woke up every morning with a headache. The alcohol, plus cigarette smoke, plus dry air, plus alcohol (wait I think I said that twice) will dehydrate you FAST.

I found on the last day that drinking a TON of bottled water all morning, and drinking bottled water throughout the day in the middle of drinking, did help alleviate some of the issues.

Next year: JC-Branded IVs.
You joke, but we used to rock that in the Army. I could totally make that happen.

Dehydration is the worst of it all, really. :)

Last St. Patty's Day in Chicago, we were post-parade partying with a bunch of paramedics (my friend is an EMT). Halfway through the party, one of EMTs went to his car and broke out about 12 IVs to bring upstairs to the kitchen. My friend goes, "Oh! Here comes the hangover medicine."
Last St. Patty's Day in Chicago, we were post-parade partying with a bunch of paramedics (my friend is an EMT). Halfway through the party, one of EMTs went to his car and broke out about 12 IVs to bring upstairs to the kitchen. My friend goes, "Oh! Here comes the hangover medicine."

Yeah... and people think you're pushing something funny, but it's just saline solution to get you soggy on the inside again.

I worked in a medical unit.. and made the mistake of casually mentioning I was dehydrated in front of my platoon sergeant- an ex SF medic. He grabbed the newest flight medic and got her some needle time at my expense. To make sure we weren't wasting too much Army time, he forcibly squeezed two bags of saline into my vein. About an hour later, I could not stop peeing.

He had a great sense of humor, that guy. :rolleyes:
I think other than my sore throat and mostly lost voice....i didn't bring enough clothes to not smell like a casino every day. I hate smelling bad...eeewwww
I left LAS and went on vacation, now I'm down and out on vacation with a nasty cold. WTF?
So I guess I am the only one who thought the Panda was crazy awesome? On Saturday night I had half white rice and half noodles with beef and broccoli and that new dish kabori beef or something.....mmm....I want some in my mouth right now.

The mexican place was good, as was mcdonalds.

I did lose my voice just a little but that was from screaming at people at the ghost bar....."yeah there probably skanks!....what...what!".

You people are really nursing some injuries.....maybe it was all the $8 bottles of water I drank in my room. At that price it must be holy water, heals you right up! :D