A new NJC game idea...

Oh yes, this would be so full of win. You mean like a mini skit based off of a thread gone bad? Genius! I wouldnt let anyone choose. Id just draw names from a hat on who will be who.
Oh yes, this would be so full of win. You mean like a mini skit based off of a thread gone bad? Genius!

or even just ones where people switch subjects or get sidetracked...
I would especially like to do the ones where there is a bunch of internet bravery...

or even just ones where people switch subjects or get sidetracked...
I would especially like to do the ones where there is a bunch of internet bravery...

Like when ATN and PilotFighter wanted to fight each other:D? It would be so hard to choose a thread.
It' would be really fun to have them read that to each other !!!! LOLOL

or the one (which is no longer around) where ATN told me to grow a pair....that would have been really fun...could you imagine!?!?!?
This may be the single greatest idea ever presented on JC, Dale. Seriously. Can I be JH on one of the early threads? When he was really young? Please? :)
Must have been a while ago. Can't remember it. But I'm sure you deserved a smackdown. :)

I'm sure I did...:)

you see I wasn't at a union carrier, but I was a SAPA rep and was in negotiations to develop a Pro Standards program. It was somewhat delicate, and I wasn't beating the drum as to how I was doing "important" things for the pilot group. You were telling me how I should "grow a pair" and do something...like what you were doing, by being involved with the union. Funny, the largest regional airline with no ProStan...because they were "an exceptional group of pilots" and didn't need one. What a laugh...
I did get it, and it did save some careers...and now I have been gone for three years and it has become ineffective...apparently. SAPA has fallen into the hands of management wannabes again. I am so glad I don't work for those people any longer...more over beers at Vegas ;)
and now I have been gone for three years and it has become ineffective...apparently. SAPA has fallen into the hands of management wannabes again.

Hence why efforts are best spent on getting a real union on the property rather than attempting to make a student council work. But I applaud your efforts and your successes in protecting careers when you were working on the Pro Stands program. It just isn't a long-term solution.