1850tt looking for a job


Well-Known Member
I'm in a bit of stressfull situation where I'm starting to freak out a bit. I got 1850h tt with 600 turbine pic (c208) all my hours are skydiving ops. Only got 225 xc hours so I meet the restricted atp but the regionals seems to not call me back. My background is clean and everything so I'm just so confused! My pilot friends says my resume is solid but it might be the xc time and lack of instrument flying.

So any corporate gigs out there? I'm on the west coast. Or anyone that can tell me to shut up and everything will be fine haha!
I'm in a bit of stressfull situation where I'm starting to freak out a bit. I got 1850h tt with 600 turbine pic (c208) all my hours are skydiving ops. Only got 225 xc hours so I meet the restricted atp but the regionals seems to not call me back. My background is clean and everything so I'm just so confused! My pilot friends says my resume is solid but it might be the xc time and lack of instrument flying.

So any corporate gigs out there? I'm on the west coast. Or anyone that can tell me to shut up and everything will be fine haha!
Jeez, I figure they'd be tripping over each other for you. Who have you applied to? Have you interviewed and not gotten a job? (Or no interest in your application?) When I was concerned about such things, I seem to remember a difference between cross country for a rating and cross country towards ATP mins. You've only got 250 hours of going to a different airport?
I think the important clarification is, are you getting no interest in your applications or are you getting turned down at the interview?
Also, your info on this site says you have 330 hours in a piper. when you post looking for help, people will often do a little stalking before offering help. I don't know if anyone else cares, but you might keep your info consistent with your posting. (If you're here looking for help. If your here to just pay it forward, leave student pilot in your info spot!)
I'm in a bit of stressfull situation where I'm starting to freak out a bit. I got 1850h tt with 600 turbine pic (c208) all my hours are skydiving ops. Only got 225 xc hours so I meet the restricted atp but the regionals seems to not call me back. My background is clean and everything so I'm just so confused! My pilot friends says my resume is solid but it might be the xc time and lack of instrument flying.

So any corporate gigs out there? I'm on the west coast. Or anyone that can tell me to shut up and everything will be fine haha!

Come fly up in Alaska for a season if you haven't found anything by the spring.
Have you checked all the other ATP requirements? Might be something like night or multi that's keeping you from getting a call.
I am 5 h short in multi but I've been told I get 10 h multi in the atp course they will send us on before starting the course.
If I were hiring, I would wonder why in the world you would even think about applying when you're only 5 hours short!

Lack of funds, motivation,....?
I am 5 h short in multi but I've been told I get 10 h multi in the atp course they will send us on before starting the course.

That shouldn't matter, you should still be hearing back from recruiters.
Air Wisconsin, for example, wants you in class at 1451 hrs since the sim time you get in CPT and type count toward the ATP mins
You'd still need the multi you are missing I think, but you should be hearing from recruiters
My pilot friends says my resume is solid but it might be the xc time and lack of instrument flying. !
You might have to do something about your stated lack of instrument flying . . . go back to the books and then get an IPC from a solid CFII. Once you do that mention in your resume and at interview that you're IFR current & proficient . . . I know of some employers who are seeing a serious lack of instrument skills & proficiency in recent candidates and that's setting them way back during new hire training . . . usually their take is that you should already be well-versed in basic IFR skills coming in and only needing to learn how to fly their airplanes during IMC ops.
You might have to do something about your stated lack of instrument flying . . . go back to the books and then get an IPC from a solid CFII. Once you do that mention in your resume and at interview that you're IFR current & proficient . . . I know of some employers who are seeing a serious lack of instrument skills & proficiency in recent candidates and that's setting them way back during new hire training . . . usually their take is that you should already be well-versed in basic IFR skills coming in and only needing to learn how to fly their airplanes during IMC ops.

You hit the dadburn nail on the head. I'm in the same boat as the OP.
I’m sure I’m going to come across as an a””hole here, but let me share something. When I went to the regionals I couldn’t believe how strict they were on their application process. It had to be done a certain way. Their way. No exceptions. I had good friends who were very capable pilots were sent home 5 minutes into the interview because they didn’t follow the rules. You’ve chosen a very detail orinited profession. One that requires you to follow specific rules and regs.
So when someone post “I need a job” in a “jobs available” section when there is indeed a “job needed” section I wonder if perhaps the lack of calls could be because of your method of applying and or interviewing. Again, not trying to to be the forum police, it’s just an observation.
Honestly when my friends got sent home from their interview for not following the rules, I really didn’t understand it at first, But later it made better sense, after I completed my training and really got a good look at what is required of you.
I’m sure I’m going to come across as an a””hole here, but let me share something. When I went to the regionals I couldn’t believe how strict they were on their application process. It had to be done a certain way. Their way. No exceptions. I had good friends who were very capable pilots were sent home 5 minutes into the interview because they didn’t follow the rules. You’ve chosen a very detail orinited profession. One that requires you to follow specific rules and regs.
So when someone post “I need a job” in a “jobs available” section when there is indeed a “job needed” section I wonder if perhaps the lack of calls could be because of your method of applying and or interviewing. Again, not trying to to be the forum police, it’s just an observation.
Honestly when my friends got sent home from their interview for not following the rules, I really didn’t understand it at first, But later it made better sense, after I completed my training and really got a good look at what is required of you.
I love when people on here tell it how it is and put people in their place. People looking for advice sometime have a hard time taking it.
What mooneyguy said. In many ways, the application process itself is part of the interview.
I was not trying to put anyone “in their place”. What vyse said is truth. The entire process from your first contact is an interview. Again. I’ve watched very good pilots not get jobs they were qualified for because of something you wouldn’t think should even be a consideration.
It was an observation and I simply wanted to share person experience.
I’ve been on JC for a long time. I’ve helped a lot of people out and there have been a lot who have helped me. That’s what’s Doug has created here. Take it for what it’s worth.