Morbid curiosity. Upgrade times?

Why the short-time series of name changes there? I guess that’s why Mesquite disappeared.
Pan Am to TransPac happened before I got there. I think it had something to do with the campus moving from Florida to Arizona.

TP to AeroGuard happened in the summer of 2017 when a private equity firm bought the school and wanted to rebrand after all the incidents/accidents the prior brand racked up.

The mesquite callsign went away due to AG opening up a few other campuses around the country and something to do with the letter of agreement they had with using the callsign and the FAA. Not too sure on the specifics.
At Brown, upgrade times probably got a little longer. Early retirement buyout just offered.
I would have got 350K to walk. Pretty good deal if you're within a year or two of retiring anyway. Classy move by Brown to get people off the top of the list. I'm sure this will go very senior. One could argue that they should use the overstaffing to improve the schedules and the daily QOL. I missed it by two years....oh well. Two years of pension is about 250K and I've made close to 80K doing air attack for a couple years. It's pretty much a wash money wise. I'm way ahead in the QOL category, though...haha. Interesting that during Covid the pax airlines were running early retirement programs yet UPS was understaffed. Now, the pax airlines are understaffed and cargo is cutting back. Again, nice to see UPS helping people off the top of the list instead of removing them from the bottom.
One could argue that they should use the overstaffing to improve the schedules and the daily QOL. Again, nice to see UPS helping people off the top of the list instead of removing them from the bottom.
Both of these things should be true. Glad it's at least one of them.
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Upgrade times are always changing, but current upgrade times can at least provide a snapshot. Out of morbid curiosity, how long was it before the most junior Captain upgraded at:

1. Delta - Besotted
2. American -Betwixt
3. United - Befallen
4. SWA - Bestirring
5. JetBlue - Befuddled
6. Spirit - Bewitched
7. FedEx - Bedeviled
8. UPS - Be your future, Denny.
9. Alaska - Bewed
10. Hawaiian - Bewed (see Alaska)
Rumor has no hiring this year.
If I had to take an uneducated guess I’d say we’re not doing any hiring until late 2025/2026 as things stand now. We were overstaffed and probably still are a bit, and they got rid of a lot of people that were retiring within the next year or two so that took any hiring out of the equation IMO.
Good time to bid reserve? You'd have to live at a base. Somebody on the B and G was complaining about all the Z lines at 80 plus hours.
Upgrade at Envoy is as short as quickly as you get the time. AA today is less than 2 years. None better out there than that at the moment.
Another flat out lie.
Did you guys text each other and come up with this new narrative? "Flat out lie." Yeah right. Listen pardner, I was on SA at Envoy AND AA for a bit. I know the players and have inside information that none of you have OK. I've proven that many times here, but mostly on other forums. I've only tried to pass along good information for the benefit of all but most of you here can't see beyond your foggles to get the big picture.
Did you guys text each other and come up with this new narrative? "Flat out lie." Yeah right. Listen pardner, I was on SA at Envoy AND AA for a bit. I know the players and have inside information that none of you have OK. I've proven that many times here, but mostly on other forums. I've only tried to pass along good information for the benefit of all but most of you here can't see beyond your foggles to get the big picture.

You just said this, which is a flat out lie:

“AA today is less than 2 years. None better out there than that at the moment.”

Words mean things.