Tips For New Hire


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!

I'm a new member here and will be attending the academy in just a few weeks for terminal training. If I complete the academy I will get to choose off a list on where I can go. Does anyone have any tips on training and where I should pick after the academy? Also, if there are any pilots on here who would want to give any advice on what they like to see on the other side of the mic that would be cool. I do have my PPL but it's been a hot second since I've last flown.

The Academy is a 3 month or so interview for the job. Take it seriously, study your butt off, and show up for the final evals knowing you're prepared. You can party and celebrate after you pass and have an amazing job.

I stayed at Kims, which became a bit of a frat house type party central on the weekends depending on who was around you, but as long as you focus and know your stuff you'll be fine.

If you're terminal, try and get an up/down. The radar experience will help later trying to move on to bigger and better places, although thats very difficult in the FAA right now. So you're also going to want to think about the staffing at whatever facility you pick....if its crazy low you're going to be stuck at your first facility for quite awhile.

I went through OKC a few years ago Enroute, and the majority of the class spent most of their free time obsessing about what facility they would get upon graduation. You can't worry about it...the list is out of your control. Focus on passing and get the #1 spot in your class so you get first dibs of whatever they're offering. Also, don't listen to other students at the academy. Nobody there knows anything, but theres a ton of people at the academy that like to spread rumors and whatever about the evals, the placement, whatever. They don't know anything more than you, they have no inside knowledge, pay them no attention. You'll see what I mean when you get there. Just keep your head down and study your butt off.

Good luck!
Keep your head down and mouth shut.

"Yes sir/ma'am" goes a long way with your instructors at your facility, as well as short breaks and plugging in and asking questions (showing you want to learn and not just sit in the breakroom)....being a smartass know-it-all doesn't.

Aim for a mid level, E.G. lvl 8ish or lower facility to start with and move up from there.

Don't let the lure of the A80's, C90's, N90's etc suck you in. The money is wonderful, the washout rate is not!

Learn the basics and learn good techniques and phraseology, it'll go a long way.

You'll never be asked on the witness stand why you used good phraseology, but you sure as hell will be dragged over the coals if you don't and something happens.

Good luck

So to sum things up:
  • Pick N90 straight put of the academy (EWR sector here I come)
  • Create ballin' Snapchat stories on my long breaks at my facility telling everyone I'm a controller
Just kidding!

Thanks for the advice guys, I think I will try for a mid level up/down facility that is staffed reasonably well. Pointsixtyfive has some good documents that show staffing percentages and time to check out etc. Also, I have seen facilities offered to grads higher than 7s. Most recently SAT, JAX, ICT, OKC, and TUL. I'm excited to start my training and hopefully I'll have a long career ahead of me. Thanks!
Hey everyone. I passed the academy last week and will be heading to JAN! Our class passed 11/18 which was above the average for this year (51%) I visited the facility on Sunday and everyone was very nice and laid back. I look forward to starting training on the 14th.
@NovemberEcho I had my first shift of OJT yesterday at JAN and I'm sure that I sounded like an idiot on frequency lol so sorry if any pilots flying out of here had to listen to some "umms" and whatnot. Going to be a long road to CPC but it's going to be a blast!
@NovemberEcho I had my first shift of OJT yesterday at JAN and I'm sure that I sounded like an idiot on frequency lol so sorry if any pilots flying out of here had to listen to some "umms" and whatnot. Going to be a long road to CPC but it's going to be a blast!

Congrats on Jackson! Honestly a mid level up down will open every door in the agency with time, patience and persiverierance. Best of luck in training. Study your butt off, monitor and be humble. A year or two of training suck plus a few years of seasoning (unless JAN is your dream facility) and a great many doors will unlock.
Congrats on Jackson! Honestly a mid level up down will open every door in the agency with time, patience and persiverierance. Best of luck in training. Study your butt off, monitor and be humble. A year or two of training suck plus a few years of seasoning (unless JAN is your dream facility) and a great many doors will unlock.

Thanks! Yeah, I really lucked out with an up/down out of the academy. I think I remember talking to you on another aviation related site, are you still at the mid-level TRACON in the mid-west? Hope things are going well.

How about your post makes you sound like an idiot...or a troll.

Yeah dude.