Potential Airlines to Interview With


New Member
Hey guys and gals. I just wanted to see if any of you had any suggestions on who I should interview with next since I did not get the job with Mesaba (big loss :D). The airlines I am thinking of next are GoJet (just kidding :laff:), TSA, Piedmont, ExpressJet, Skywest, ASA, Pinnacle, Shuttle America, Colgan, Air Wisconson Compass, just to name a few. Please give your opinion and suggestions for airlines that are not listed above. I only have 500 TT and 50 ME hours, so I am not sure which airlines to go with, and how many will take me with those hours. I am also interested in taking an interview coaching class so I can improve my interview skills. If anyone can provide any information, I will appreciate it. Thanks for reading, and have a good day and night.

Pilotman245 :rawk:
How about Mesaba? Better first year pay than most, Paid from day 1, roof paid for through out training. Domiciles are MSP DTW MEM. Being low time you most likely would be put in the crj 900(possibly the 200).

You also don't need a coaching class either. To get hired by a regional you need:
- Couple Hundred hours
- Dark Suite
- Don't demand a certain jet(or a jet)
- Heartbeat
The airlines I am thinking of next are TSA, Piedmont, ExpressJet, Skywest, ASA, Pinnacle, Shuttle America, Colgan, Air Wisconson Compass, just to name a few.
or build some more hours and get on with a good one?
I see a couple of "good ones" in there... ;)
To get hired by a regional you need:
- Couple Hundred hours

How about just a few more than that... if not for the benefit & safety of yourself and others... then at least for a decent Regional that won't try to take advantage of your low time via poor contractual work rules & pay.

Pilotman... you've given us way too little information, with way too many choices, to give you any reasonable response.

All we know at this point is your total times, you didn't get a job at Mesaba, and you are basically looking at anywhere and everywhere else. Here's a few questions to answer that may help other's give you a more informed response:
  • What are your long term goals?
  • Do you want to fly a TP or Jet?
  • Are you looking for quick upgrades or long term QOL?
  • Do you want to live in base/domicile? If so, where do you live now... or where are you wanting to move to?
  • You're wondering "how many will take me with those hours (500/50)"... are you willing to fly a bit more (multi at least) to be more marketable to the better regionals?
  • Regarding the "Interview Coaching Class"... are you considering going to Network JC? You can get TONS of interview pointers from just about anyone there at no additional fee. :)
  • What concerns do you have with interviewing? Let us know and we can all pitch in to help you for free...
  • Where is it that you personally "want" to work, based on your research so far?
  • Single, Married, is Family a consideration?
  • Have you studied AviationInterviews.com?
  • etc...
That will help everyone get a feel for your situation at the very least...

Answers Captain Bob's questions:

1) My longtime goal is to eventually fly for a major airline.
2) The equipment I fly is not that important to me. TP and jet both are fine with me.
3) I am looking for an airline that has around a 2 year upgrade time (since I am only 21 and can't act as a captain until I am 23.)
4) I do not really want to fly into work everyday, so living at my base will be fine with me. Living somewhere near the central part of the U.S. (somewhat near KS, which is home for me) is ideal, but not a deal breaker.
5) By the time I graduate college (in December), I will have about 20+ turbine hours to add to my resume and logbook. If I need more hours to be more marketable, I am willing to fly more.
6) I have never heard of Network JC, but I am willing to do anything to help me do better in interviews, especially the human resources questions (the part I think I messed up on with Mesaba)
7) My concerns are being able to answer the technical questions better, along with the human resources questions.
8) I have not done a ton of research yet (I am still in college until December and have a job as an instructor at my school), but living somewhere close to Kansas will be ideal, but not a deal breaker. I would not mind living in the Pacific Northwest, but I heard that Horizon is a hard airline to get with.
9) I am in a relationship now, and we will work together to make it work no matter where I end up.
10) I have look at AviationInterviews.com

I am just looking for a job with a regional airline until I have enough hours to fly for a major carrier. I have heard that some of the airlines are better to work for than others, but for now, I just want to fly for someone that treats me decently. The pay is not too important now, so I am not really going to use that as a deal breaker. For now, all I want is to get hired by a regional carrier in which I will get through training, get treated like a human, fly, and get paid.

If any of you have any questions, ask me in this forum, or send me a private message. I will respond when I get the chance.

Answers Captain Bob's questions:

For now, all I want is to get hired by a regional carrier in which I will get through training, get treated like a human, fly, and get paid.

If any of you have any questions, ask me in this forum, or send me a private message. I will respond when I get the chance.


Treated like a human huh? Boy that will shorten the list by about 99% I fly 91/135 in a Learjet and we get treated like humans every third Wednesday in months that end in the letter "Y".

Sorry I could not resist the dark humor there. Be very careful when choosing a place to work. For now money may not be an issue but it can become one. Also, a company that has respect for itself and its employees will probably provide a better QOL. Good luck and keep us updated.
Hey guys and gals. I just wanted to see if any of you had any suggestions on who I should interview with next since I did not get the job with Mesaba (big loss :D). The airlines I am thinking of next are GoJet (just kidding :laff:), TSA, Piedmont, ExpressJet, Skywest, ASA, Pinnacle, Shuttle America, Colgan, Air Wisconson Compass, just to name a few. Please give your opinion and suggestions for airlines that are not listed above. I only have 500 TT and 50 ME hours, so I am not sure which airlines to go with, and how many will take me with those hours. I am also interested in taking an interview coaching class so I can improve my interview skills. If anyone can provide any information, I will appreciate it. Thanks for reading, and have a good day and night.

Pilotman245 :rawk:

Alaska Central Express in anchorage ak is looking for pilots, and they just hired a guy from out of state. b1900C cool runs, good equipment, you'll make more than at the regionals too.
Alaska Central Express in anchorage ak is looking for pilots, and they just hired a guy from out of state. b1900C cool runs, good equipment, you'll make more than at the regionals too.

I just looked at their website. They require 1000 TT, 250 ME. and 100 Alaska time, which I don't have. Thanks for the suggestion. If they did lower their hours, please let me know since I only have what is posted online.
If you're looking to interview at another regional and you're missing NetworkJC, you need some psychological help! :)
5) By the time I graduate college (in December), I will have about 20+ turbine hours to add to my resume and logbook. If I need more hours to be more marketable, I am willing to fly more.

Are you doing the physical college thing or on-line? If you're physically walking to class, I'd hold off until after you graduate. Most airline are gonna want you to start within two weeks of interviewing, and ground school is gonna be a 5+ day a week thing, pretty much all day. Hard to do that AND go to school. Add in the normal flying schedule after ground school, and it's potentially gonna be even tougher....especially at a regional with a 2 year upgrade time that probably flies their pilots to the breaking point.
I just looked at their website. They require 1000 TT, 250 ME. and 100 Alaska time, which I don't have. Thanks for the suggestion. If they did lower their hours, please let me know since I only have what is posted online.

those times are old, I got hired at 500TT, and 10 multi, they are looking for the bare min now