Delta AFA vote

I just remember hearing that they were waiting on the vote before combining the flight attendants and that was the last Ive heard of it. I kinda forgot about it until I was on a Frontier jumpseat the other day and the flight attendants were commenting that they just voted in AFA.
Do these new union voting rules apply yet? Basically that only the votes cast are counted, not the old way where a non-vote was a "no."
They do apply...but Delta, along with a few other companies with non-union mechanics, dispatchers, flight attendants are seeking a class action law suit against the NMB due to the change in the law that negatively impacts management's ability to screw employee groups.
The new rule goes into effect on June 10. But as surreal pointed out, the ATA has filed litigation in an attempt to overturn the rule, and they're seeking a preliminary injunction prior to the June 10 effective date. We're pretty confident that the litigation will be unsuccessful, but it's less clear whether the injunction will be denied.