Time for a dog?

Box hauler

Well-Known Member
Anyone currently working in 121 care to share their experience with having a dog in this type of work environment? I work for a 121 and my wife works 5 days a week with no kids and we want a dog but I figured I would get some insight from the crowed on whether it is a good idea or not. Thanks for sharing
Not 121, but old with lots of dog-time over the years.

Older dogs can hold their "business" for an eight hour workday plus reasonable commute; puppies not so much. Many will disagree with me, however, eight hours/day in a cage to circumvent accidents and teething concerns seems a harsh kind of "love" to me; i.e., "I love you, let me lock you down and leave you alone for eight or nine hours with a chew toy."

Adequate walks, play, and exercise are necessary but time-consuming and can be challenging for the two-legged caretaker after a rough day at work and long commute home. Whatever the day, the pup still needs (and deserves) time and attention.

Dogs are "pack animals," not the solitary creatures cats are. In the absence of a second canine companion, you and your family will serve as the "pack."

The pup's emotional stability, built on the foundation you can provide and give, is every bit as important as what you might get from the dog.

My two cents and, of course, YMMV. Best wishes.
Dogs are sentient beings. Their world revolves around their humans. If they are left alone for long periods of time on a regular basis, they can become anxious, mistrusting, depressed, bored, nervous and even destructive. They need to interact with humans and other dogs. Having two dogs so that they can keep each other company would help some as will having a doggy door so that they have access to a safe, enclosed yard. Having a neighbor or friend come over to walk them, play with them and check on them will also help, but being alone 5 days a week all day including the commute time to and from work and then errands or grocery shopping after work or whatever, makes the separation time just far longer than is possible for a happy well adjusted dog who has a meaningful life.

If your wife worked part time or could take the dog to work with her, then I'd say go for it. But dog's lives are short. You want to give them as much attention, time and experiences that you can and spend as much time with them as possible. If she worked and you were home and then you worked and she were home (opposite shifts), that would easily work, but that is obviously not the scenario here.

You have to look upon dogs as your children, because in many ways, that is exactly what they are. They have the mind of a toddler like 3 to 4 years old. Do you want to leave a child alone for 8 to 10 hours a day five days a week? Not so much. Same for your dog. If at some point, your wife can work part time and you get two dogs so they have a companion, that would be a better situation. But like little kids, dogs require a lot of maintenance, interaction, exercise, stimulus, care and time. There is no point in having a dog if you are not even around a lot the time to enjoy them, bond with them and be 100% committed to them.

Dogs love us and give us everything that they have to give. We pretty much owe them the same in return.
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But dog's lives are short. You want to give them as much attention, time and experiences that you can and spend as much time with them as possible.
Dogs love us and give us everything that they have to give. We pretty much owe them the same in return.

Yeah that
Dogs are sentient beings. Their world revolves around their humans. If they are left alone for long periods of time on a regular basis, they can become anxious, mistrusting, depressed, bored, nervous and even destructive. They need to interact with humans and other dogs. Having two dogs so that they can keep each other company would help some as will having a doggy door so that they have access to a safe, enclosed yard. Having a neighbor or friend come over to walk them, play with them and check on them will also help, but being alone 5 days a week all day including the commute time to and from work and then errands or grocery shopping after work or whatever, makes the separation time just far longer than is possible for a happy well adjusted dog who has a meaningful life.

If your wife worked part time or could take the dog to work with her, then I'd say go for it. But dog's lives are short. You want to give them as much attention, time and experiences that you can and spend as much time with them as possible. If she worked and you were home and then you worked and she were home (opposite shifts), that would easily work, but that is obviously not the scenario here.

You have to look upon dogs as your children, because in many ways, that is exactly what they are. They have the mind of a toddler like 3 to 4 years old. Do you want to leave a child alone for 8 to 10 hours a day five days a week? Not so much. Same for your dog. If at some point, your wife can work part time and you get two dogs so they have a companion, that would be a better situation. But like little kids, dogs require a lot of maintenance, interaction, exercise, stimulus, care and time. There is no point in having a dog if you are not even around a lot the time to enjoy them, bond with them and be 100% committed to them.

Dogs love us and give us everything that they have to give. We pretty much owe them the same in return.

And now I miss my goobers.

I'm not above going out of my way to walk past the dog park here in HKG
Only you two can decide if you're ready for a dog, and it's not a decision to be taken lightly.
Our lab, Eliza Doolittle, is 14 yrs old now. She has cataracts, she's nearly deaf, her joints are stiff and don't work like they used to. Stairs are a no-go, she can't navigate them up or down. We had to build her a ramp.
She has an accident once in a while now too, but she's never had any problems since she was a puppy. We trained her to ring a bell at the door when she needs out. She still rings it, but sometimes it's literally only a few seconds before she can't hold it anymore. It's not her fault, she's just old.
She's a great dog, and grew up with the kids, but I don't think I will get another one after she's gone. At least not for a long time. I want to go on vacation and do things I couldn't do before with kids and a dog. I need a break.
A dog brings lots of love and companionship, but it also requires a big commitment, responsibility, and lots of work. Please seriously consider the long-term commitment you are making when you get a dog. I've had mine for 14 years, that's a long time. If you can't make that kind of commitment, maybe you should reconsider.
I don't regret getting her. She's literally part of our family. When friends and family think about us they don't just picture the people, they also see Eliza.
We've had lots of great times and memories, but I'm at a stage in my life now where I just want to take care of myself and my wife after she's gone. No kids, no pets, no neighbors, no relatives. Just want to be left alone in peace. At least for a few years.
Until then though, I'll give her the best care and love that I can.
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