Refusal to submit to DOT random urinalysis

Seriously though.... Can't you just wait until you have to go? At some point there's this point you reach where it's like "I gotta go," and shame, fear, embarrassment, or whatever you want to call it completely departs the scene...
I've been in absolute agony I had to go so badly before, and it still just locks down. Doc says it's a fight or flight response and just can't go without relaxing. It's gotten better but still not 100%.

Having. 45 year old prostrate that you just sat on all the way across the country doesn't help much either.
Due to shy bladder. Anybody have any experience?

I was "randomized" years ago, quite literally as I walking OUT of the bathroom. After about three hours of work and drinking water, I was finally able to produce a sample. I was later told that, had I not been able to produce a sample within 3 hours of notification, I would have been sent to a clinic to determine if there was a medical reason that I couldn't produce a sample. If there wasn't, then it would have been put down as a refusal. Nice to know that my job and career could have been ended by some officious bureaucratic policy made by a person who has never spent a day in the aviation industry.
I've been in absolute agony I had to go so badly before, and it still just locks down. Doc says it's a fight or flight response and just can't go without relaxing. It's gotten better but still not 100%.

Having. 45 year old prostrate that you just sat on all the way across the country doesn't help much either.

That poor 45-year-old. Why would you do that? :x

QUOTE="ZapBrannigan, post: 2578637, member: 6319"]
Having a 45 year old prostrate that you just sat on all the way across the country doesn't help much either.[/QUOTE]

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