Oh Aviate 1

I don’t think the correlation is exactly the same, but bashing on youth’s character as lazy and motiveless for being frustrated they’ve realized this isn’t as advertised is pretty wild to me. I don’t even think this is a generational problem. You’re saying 20-30+ years ago everyone knew this was how deeply unorganized and off schedule flight schools were? Not sure I agree with that. Obviously this younger generation has issues with complaining. As for every generation, some of it is valid complaints. It’s only the older elders who say buck up and deal with it.

Not bashing them, just saying I can see how they may have been sold a false bill of goods, that was perhaps targeted at them, and the things *they* like (turnkey solutions).....*they* of course being a broad generalization

Agree that all older generations love the sport of bashing younger generations for not knowing how "it used to be" or whatever. I'm just saying these kids have come into adulthood with some norms and habits that are not consistent with other areas of the world that are not as streamlined or advanced.
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I don't see how primary students have it good in this hiring environment. Pilot-friendly hiring climates are few, far between and above all, short; and this one will probably be over by the time they have all their certificates and ratings.

It’s a timing gamble indeed…..the high wave may indeed come down by that time for them.

They may have been sold some bill of goods, but too, there should be some disclaimer from Aviate similar to “quoted training timelines are only averages, and may vary greatly from this based on student performance, aircraft availability, weather,…” or a host of other factors.
Not bashing them, just saying I can see how they may have been sold a false bill of goods, that was perhaps targeted at them, and the things *they* like (turnkey solutions).....*they* of course being a broad generalization

Agree that all older generations love the sport of bashing younger generations for not knowing how "it used to be" or whatever. I'm just saying these kids have come into adulthood with some norms and habits that are not consistent with other areas of the world that are not as streamlined or advanced.
Yeah, I agree. To the end of your comment I can sympathize with the younger generation for that. Social media was just coming around when I was in high school. So was video games in the larger capacity they are now. We adapted and had fun with it. Then the younger generations 10 years later can easily fall into traps with it. And I think older generations struggle to figure out how we can teach, adapt, have the younger kids use it for good and not bad. I don’t think all the kids want to come out the way some of them do, but the external factors we have are kind of out of control. So it’s easier for older generations to just shrug it off, not be helpful or positive, and say ‘wow you are a whiny child. You suck’. Which just feeds into the issues more.
Yeah, I agree. To the end of your comment I can sympathize with the younger generation for that. Social media was just coming around when I was in high school. So was video games in the larger capacity they are now. We adapted and had fun with it. Then the younger generations 10 years later can easily fall into traps with it. And I think older generations struggle to figure out how we can teach, adapt, have the younger kids use it for good and not bad. I don’t think all the kids want to come out the way some of them do, but the external factors we have are kind of out of control. So it’s easier for older generations to just shrug it off, not be helpful or positive, and say ‘wow you are a whiny child. You suck’. Which just feeds into the issues more.

Friend of ours is an ER nurse, and he was saying he admitted a patient the other day. She was totally distracted during the Q&A session, and when he asked why she was there, she said "my stomach doesn't feel good" (insert the absurd socal whine). Then she started trying to take selfies of herself.

And to your point.....this personality type, or at least the latent ability to become this kind of person, certainly existed before social media. But what did they do with their time back then? How did they express such levels of extreme narcissism? I don't remember people like this back then, but they had to have existed.
I don't see how primary students have it good in this hiring environment. Pilot-friendly hiring climates are few, far between and above all, short; and this one will probably be over by the time they have all their certificates and ratings.
No, this one is historically unique, accelerated by several obvious factors. I don't see it winding down with the retirement forecast for several years unless world war or another pandemic breaks out. If someone forks over the money to ATP to go zero to hero today, they'll probably still be on their second airline by the end of the decade would be my bet. The bleeding will take a few years to stop with the retirements and rate at which seats are being filled at the regionals.
The phone is an addiction. I’m addicted. But I know it, and know there’s a time and place. At my brother’s place in PA and I’ve had to tell him, “look, could you put the phone down? I’m trying to tell you something…”

Never in a bajillion years would you see me pull out a phone and start texting away during OE. Or a line check. Apparently, this has happened at numerous airlines, and not just once.