Instrument Rating


Well-Known Member
Good morning, I'm currently an 800 commercial pilot, I've decided to finally finish up my instrument rating, and I'm looking for recommendations for the most economical place to get it done. I've seen estimates that range from as little as $4000 to well over $9000, I realize that the cheaper ones are probably quoting the bare minimums and it's unlikely to get it done in that amount of time, but that's still a big price difference. I have a little instrument time, but it's spread out over several years, so I consider myself to be starting from scratch. I'll have my written done soon, and plan on doing the flying this spring, I would really like to get it done in about 2 weeks. I'm currently living in southern LA, and moving to southern Wisconsin this spring, so somewhere close to one of those locations, or in between, would be perfect, however I'm open to other places also.