

Vintage Restoration
Got my schedule for October. Weekends off, including the weekend for NJC 2005! As Napoleon would say, Yesssssss. Commutable too! Depending on how much the room costs (and if anyone wants to share), I'll probably come in Thursday evening and leave Sunday morning. I'm not worried about flights yet, but I'm going to start really looking hard for hotels. If anyone wants to room up, let me know.

17 days off next month. Thank God I'm working so much this month, because next month with NJC 2005 and a trip to Europe (not sure if Dublin or Paris yet), I'll be broke!

The question is, will Chicaga have to compete for the SlukzAward?
the other question is.. are we even doing a szluka award considering how it went down last year?
the other question is.. are we even doing a szluka award considering how it went down last year?

[/ QUOTE ]

We can share a suite if you want (I'm being innuendo meant).
I am in the process of looking at hotels right now it is between the Stratosphere and the Hawthorne.
Most likely will be the Hawthorne. It's cheap on/near the strip and like a 5 min. walk to the MGM.
I was going to be making my res. soon but was holding off to see if anyone wanted to share a suite and if others wanted to sleep on the couch/floor.
Matt if your game let me know so I could get prices. PM me anyone else who want to "ride" the couch and help split the cost also PM me.

I'll have a couch open in the Motorhome if you need a place ... I'll probably just be finishing ground school so I can't guarantee I'll be in the best of moods.
Szluka, just got my bid for Oct and I have Thurs and Fri off. So I imagine I will come down Thurs for the night. Give me a ring, we'll have to compare itineraries. -C