Flight Attendant Graduation Certificate


Well-Known Member
Pardon the silly question.......Anyone know if the certificate one gets after completion of FA training with an US Airline is forwarded to the FAA? If so, what would be the first step in procuring a copy?

What certificate? For a while, the FAA was giving "certificates" to F/As, but I don't think they do that anymore (could be wrong about that though).

All the airline has to have as far as training records is a record of the F/As training dates, what training was involved (which FAA-approved training course the F/A completed), and records of their tests. If an airline issues some sort of "certificate", it's for company pomp & circumstance, not something that carries any weight with the FAA.
Not to sound like a stereotypical pilot here but I dated a FA for a while bout 2 or so years ago and she had a cert and it was just like the FAA pilots cards. Same look everything just said flight attendant on it.
Not to sound like a stereotypical pilot here but I dated a FA for a while bout 2 or so years ago and she had a cert and it was just like the FAA pilots cards. Same look everything just said flight attendant on it.

Yeah, the FAA was, for a while (and this would have been during the 2 years ago time frame you're talking about), issuing "certificate" cards to F/As. I don't think the FAA is doing that any more.

Now I'm curious though... and want to send a note to the IND FSDO to ask. :D
I understand the "pomp and circumstances" angle. However, I was looking for a legitimate piece of paper that might have been filed with the FAA, or another entity to validate training received. Why am I asking......Well, I was trained as an FA in 2003 by an airline that is now defunct. I worked as an FA, before I became a dispatcher with them. I somehow lost any paperwork that they might have given me showing that I was a certified FA with an US airline. I am currently in the process of procuring a job that is asking for proof of training. That is why I was wondering if I have any recourse.
There would probably not have been anything sent to the FAA for proof of F/As training. Airlines keep their own training records.

So a company wants proof of F/A training from an airline? Do you have any paystubs or anything with your job title on it? I know it's not proof of "training" exactly, but it proves the job you held, and you wouldn't have been paid as a F/A without having gone through the training, right? Do have a printout of your IOE trip?
Thanks for asking all the pertinent questions. Unfortunately, I am 7 yrs removed from that era of my life. At no time did I think that I would go back into the FA career field again. Therefore, in my haste to clean up my clutter, I am assuming I threw away any paperwork associating me with being a FA. Oh well, my loss. Please know that the company in question is not your conventional airline. Rather, they are contracted by the DOD for other reasons. FA duties will only be part of my job. Again, thanks for all the replies.
Could be a long shot, but how about trying to find your old airline's director of training or even the person who did your IOE? I think I actually still have (somewhere buried) the instructor's copies of my IOE students' paperwork. Facebook, Twitter, or Google Search their names and maybe find someone who could possibly locate some paperwork? If the job is worth it, it might be worth a try. :) Good luck!
You can look your name up in the FAA pilot certificate database.

When the FAA issued F/A certificates, they look just like the plastic pilot certificates except they say flight attendant on them.

The F/A names are also listed in the FAA database just like the pilots.


Thanks for the good info. Unfortunately, by the time Act was intiated in Dec 2004, I had already switched over to the Dispatch side of the house. Regardless, I did check the FAA database to no avail.

F9DXER...........your suggestion is probably my last bet. Thanks to all!!