December Photo Contest

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Florida Man
No voting for November as only one submission. @crj200/900 wins with a 172S on top.

Let's end the year off strong everyone! Send in your photos. No theme this month, anything goes! Show me what ya got!

Duration: Submissions accepted until December 27th 11:59 EST

Submit to:

Once I have all the submissions, I’ll start a new thread on or around the 28th for voting. Voting will last until the 31st, with the winner announced on or just after (depending on my schedule) the 1st of the year.

Other assorted rules:

The photo must be taken by you, during the time frame. Honor system on those two. Once you've submitted, you're in. One picture only, no replacing entries later. Any registered user is welcome to submit, whether you frequent the photo sub forum or not.

Point and shoot, dslr, or as they use to say in racing, "run what you brung".
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