Cessna single engine lift strut attach AD

Roger Roger

Bottom of the list
I know we’ve got a couple Cessna owners on here. Looks like the FAA has proposed an AD covering many 172-210 models for inspection, and if necessary repair, of the bulkheads that the lowet lift strut attach fitting bolts to. Cessna has had an SB on the 206/207 for this issue since at least the 90s, but apparently either increased awareness, the aging of the fleet, or a combination thereof has brought the issue to the forefront now. Inspection should be fairly easy, remove the front seats and open the floor, do some good cleaning and visual inspection. Repair I’ve been told by guys who’ve done it is 3-5 days by a good sheet metalist on a 207, would think a 182/172 would be easier without the header tanks in the way. FYI last time I bought a kit there were none available from Cessna and a couple week lead time from RobAir Repair (who should be in your phone book if you own a single-engine Cessna).
Avweb article link: https://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/AD-Affects-14653-Cessnas-Corrected-230257-1.html
Proposed AD text: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2018-02-01/pdf/2018-01923.pdf
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