US Senate panel votes to reject hiking pilot retirement age

Not a reputable source for ANY kind of news, but this is out today…
And if further proof is needed that they are not a reputable source of news look no further than the actual truth which is that age 67 was defeated in the final language.


“We are grateful for the overwhelming bipartisan support in the House and Senate, and for the thousands of ALPA members who worked tirelessly to ensure this deal maintains our world-leading pilot-training standards and rejects attempts to arbitrarily raise the pilot retirement age, which would have introduced uncertainty into the U.S. aviation system and interfered with collectively bargained agreements."

Yeah DailyMail isn’t even news. It’s just a tabloid.

The FAA Reauthorization was just approved by the house and is on its way to Biden’s desk. Does not have age 67. So this is over. For 5 years at least.
All I know is, I sure hope they've got budget in there for hiring and training NEW controllers. Right now, it kinda looks like the plan is just to shuffle them around. (Which is NOT seeming to be well received by the current cohort.)

We pilots just can't seem to maintain focus on either the BIG picture or the specifics that affect us now. We just continue to be all like, How Do I (ME) Get MORE pay? In the words of Carly, "We're so vain!" (I know. I know, $300k/yr for pushing buttons in the correct order just doesn't cut it, etc., etc.)
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