Southwest Airlines passenger receives Airdrop of ‘inappropriate photos and videos’ on flight


Well-Known Member
What was he thinking?

That’s plane disgusting.
A Southwest Airlines passenger received unwanted “inappropriate photos and videos” from another passenger via Airdrop on Friday, prompting flight attendants to call out the sender.

While on Southwest Airlines flight from Louisville to Chicago, Kat Pitman received the unsolicited Airdrop, USA Today reported.
Pitman shared in a post that she was on her morning flight when she was “bombarded by inappropriate photos and videos via Airdrop.”

The Airdrop feature on allows people to “instantly share... photos, videos, documents, and more with other Apple devices that are nearby.” Users can choose to have Airdrop receiving open to everyone, just contacts, or completely off.

“I had turned it on yesterday to have a business card from a client sent to avoid giving out my cellphone. I totally forgot to turn it off,” Pitman wrote.
Pitman told USA Today she first received an airdrop of a pornographic image. She immediately turned off the feature, but then turned it back on to grab a screenshot of the sender’s name. When she turned Airdrop back on, she was sent more Airdrops with a video and “graphic photo."

Pitman said in her post she has “read a lot of Airdrop sexual harassment in public but was shocked to experience it on a plane.”

She immediately told two male flight attendants about the online harassment, and they announced on the plane’s PA system that the anonymous sender — only known by the vulgar name “Dildo Baggins” shown on the Airdrop — to stop sending the pictures and videos.

“I appreciate the direct response and I am thankful for their support. Now I am left hoping this never happens to my teenage daughters,” Pitman wrote.

Kassidy Vavra

I received a series of air drops from this fellow in the airport one day while waiting for a plane to show up. I didn’t want to see what might be coming next so I turned it off and now leave it off on public. Technology coupled with perceived anonymity makes people do silly things.
You can still see the thumbnail of the picture or video before you accept/decline so it kind of defeats the whole purpose of the accept/decline option
That’s what I was getting at yeah. You end up seeing it anyway. Which seems like a poor decision by apple.
8 seconds of an unwanted dick pic staring at you

Well, live and learn, I guess. One might turn it off more quickly now that they know. I believe I also noted there were “multiple” pictures received.

I’d only see the first one, personally. The second and following, were they seen, would be on me, I think.

And, honestly, who cares? “Naked people in the bushes off Stoneleigh Avenue.” Cops go. “Get dressed and go home. We got a complaint.”

No violation. No arrest. No jail time.

Mind your own damned business and stop being offended by everything. I’ve seen stranger’s dicks and boobs, too (on public beaches). My (then) wife was offended. My response was simply “look east, o’er the ocean.”
Well, live and learn, I guess. One might turn it off more quickly now that they know. I believe I also noted there were “multiple” pictures received.

I’d only see the first one, personally. The second and following, were they seen, would be on me, I think.

And, honestly, who cares? “Naked people in the bushes off Stoneleigh Avenue.” Cops go. “Get dressed and go home. We got a complaint.”

No violation. No arrest. No jail time.

Mind your own damned business and stop being offended by everything. I’ve seen stranger’s dicks and boobs, too (on public beaches). My (then) wife was offended. My response was simply “look east, o’er the ocean.”
American's are such prudes.

How this should have gone -
Nude pops up on airdrop request...
Oh wtf, decline.

Goes on with day.