Possible to change careers to a different part of the aviation industry?


Well-Known Member
Hello I have a question. I worked in the air cargo industry last summer between my junior and senior in college and I am working with the same company again in the air cargo industry for the summer. But let's say that I worked in air cargo for a number of years and years later down the road, I want to change careers and work in a different part of the aviation industry such as in airport management, GA, or airline operations. My question is would employers hire me in a different part of the industry even if the part of the aviation industry I worked in before has nothing to do with the part of the industry I want to go into? What about my bachelors degree in aviation administration I attained recently? Would that help in making the switch to another part of the aviation industry?

Any help and advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
Yes, it's possible to jump around in aviation.

I've flown 135, CFI'd, flown UAVs on three continents, been an A&P, and now I fly a Lear and citation Part 91.

Don't burn bridges and you'll be fine.
Hey ktsai91,
I do agree with above.
Everyone is changing careers these days. Teachers become financial planners. Airline pilots buy fast-food franchises. The list is endless. There's no excuse for sticking with a career that you no longer enjoy. And in your case, it is in the same industry. Don't worry, Go for it.
Good Luck for your new career.