Fueler for ASIG at SFO


New Member
Hello all. New to the board here. I just received a job offer for a fueler position for ASIG at SFO. I have never been employed in any capacity at an airport so as you can imagine I have a lot of questions. If anybody on the board is or has been a fueler at SFO that would be awesome but I also would appreciate input from everyone. First of all, can anyone explain how the schedule works? Are there different shifts, is there pay differential for various shifts, how do your days off work, etc.? Is there opportunity for overtime? How often is it available and is it ever forced? I also hear that the benefits are really good. Can anyone give some detail of how good they are? I have 2 young sons and a wife that currently depend on me for benefits and I want to make sure they will continued to be covered. I know that some positions can also be union. Does anyone know if the SFO job is union? Are there ever pay increases? I know for union that would be contingent on the collective bargaining agreement. Is there room for growth? Can you move up from fueler to a higher position? Any other helpful information you can bestow upon me would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!
Hey friend,

Congrats on the new position!

I hate to be a Debbie Downer but let me make sure your expectations are in line with the position. To keep it short, the pay sucks and so does the benefits (10 to 11 bucks an hour level of suck). Extremely high turn over, ever notice how they are always hiring. Great way to look at airplanes and make money while you are unemployed or between jobs. Thats it.
Hello all. New to the board here. I just received a job offer for a fueler position for ASIG at SFO. I have never been employed in any capacity at an airport so as you can imagine I have a lot of questions. If anybody on the board is or has been a fueler at SFO that would be awesome but I also would appreciate input from everyone. First of all, can anyone explain how the schedule works? Are there different shifts, is there pay differential for various shifts, how do your days off work, etc.? Is there opportunity for overtime? How often is it available and is it ever forced? I also hear that the benefits are really good. Can anyone give some detail of how good they are? I have 2 young sons and a wife that currently depend on me for benefits and I want to make sure they will continued to be covered. I know that some positions can also be union. Does anyone know if the SFO job is union? Are there ever pay increases? I know for union that would be contingent on the collective bargaining agreement. Is there room for growth? Can you move up from fueler to a higher position? Any other helpful information you can bestow upon me would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!
These are all good questions to ask in the interview.
I work at SFO, and some ASIG fuelers chill in our breakroom between fueling planes. From what I see, it seems like a chill job. I don't have any information on salary or benefits though :/
From one fueler to another, welcome aboard! Technically, my company, Wiggins, is contracted to do....everything at MHT, so I de-ice the airlines and throw bags (for charter ops) as well. Of the line tech operation, it's a truly one of a kind experience. The commutes to work are all but abandoned roads at 3:30AM, and the starry skies are unbeatable. The only hit I could possibly complain about is having to climb the seniority ladder and bid for a proper social life; aviation doesn't exactly do "weekends" like the rest of the world.

I myself leave in TWO DAYS for Sheffield School of Aeronautics to make a go at the ADX, so I really hope my three years in the industry has paid off somewhat -- together with a love interest for aviation. As for moving up, I'm not sure how ASIG functions as a company other than contract fueling, but my company does interdepartment hirings all the time. Flight followers from line ops, adminstration from A&P mechanics, you name it.

Other than that, the heavy machinery, the multi-million dollar toys we get to play with, and the relationships you'll build with other ramp rats is really a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

I will say this: Treat every plane like someone you love is on board. I developed that mentality when I first started planespotting, and it applies so much more to this industry.

Best of luck in San Fran.
I worked as a fueler for ASIG at lax. The company is really crappy to say the least. Really bad equipment, bad managers etc. Pay was good at lax. The union came through and we all started making 16 an hour. Be ready to work weekends. As a newb you will never get weekends off. They usually assign you a schedule and it's mostly set to that. I worked Wed thru Sun. 12 to 630. Don't expect to leave at 630 everyday. If there are planes to be fueled you will stay. Sometimes they make you fuel a plane at 620 and you leave at 640. Really annoying. The job is super easy. And fun. You get to talk to pilots and see cockpits and roam the airports. Fueling is easy. Connect look at the amount desired preselect and stare at all the departures until the system stops automatically. I loved the job. I hated the equipment and the supervisors. I usually minded my own and worked fast so I never got in trouble. Delays are a big problem. Word on the street was every minute you delayed a plane was 1000 dollar fine to asig. So work fast. 3 delays and you are out. You are allowed plenty of time but some idiots would sit in the truck and forget to do their jobs. As for moving up, it is possible But the company is dumb and they hire random people that aren't qualified. But you can always try. Stand out as a good fueler and you will be known. Let me know if you have any more questions.
ASIG at SFO? Welcome aboard! Enjoy the ability to cut off moving airplanes and get away with it, as well as the freedom to park in the middle of an active gate and go take a nap in an airline break room while everyone tries to find you and a plane holds waiting for you to move the truck.

ASIG at SFO? Welcome aboard! Enjoy the ability to cut off moving airplanes and get away with it, as well as the freedom to park in the middle of an active gate and go take a nap in an airline break room while everyone tries to find you and a plane holds waiting for you to move the truck.

And to simply lie about what I told you to put on the airplane when you misfuel. Or maybe that's LAX...yeah, nevermind, that was at LAX.

(just ask, if you're unsure. please. and read it back. please.)